Home Politics Blogger Chaz Stevens Blasts Deerfield Beach Mayoral Candidate Ken Wayne!

Blogger Chaz Stevens Blasts Deerfield Beach Mayoral Candidate Ken Wayne!


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-The following was received by us from blogger Chaz Stevens.These are his words not ours.

My name is Chaz Stevens, and I’ve been a resident of Deerfield Beach for nearly 40 years.

Recently, the Broward Republican Executive Committee (BREC) sent a letter to Deerfield Beach registered GOP voters endorsing Ken Wayne and his ultra-right wing positions. It’s no surprise, but neither Ken Wayne nor BREC wanted you to know about it! Why? Because, BREC wants to turn Deerfield Beach from Blue to Red. That’s why!

Read: Political mail to 1,200 Deerfield households gives incorrect date to vote

Ken Wayne is a Racist
Former Sun-Sentinel reporter and BrowardBeat blogger Buddy Nevins wrote a story about Ken Wayne’s deleted racist Facebook page, where Ken Wayne referred to our black community as lazy and thugs, and called a grown African American male “boy.”

Read: Deerfield Beach, Fl Candidate Loves Trump, Baits Muslims, Black Lives Matter

In the Sun-Sentinel endorsement interview, Ken Wayne referred to Deerfield Beach’s diverse minority community as “Africans” to the shock of those in attendance.
Ken Wayne’s Sober Home Moratorium Will Cost Us Millions
As most of us know, unregulated sober homes present a challenging problem for our community. Recently, a DeerCreek HOA lost a court battle to a sober home operator. The DeerCreek HOA was forced to pay the plaintiff’s hefty legal fees and now must stand aside as operation expands in that community.

In spite of the DeerCreek HOA ruling, and taking a pandering page from the Trump playbook, Ken Wayne promises to irresponsibly ignore Federal Law; put a “moratorium on neighborhood sober/drug homes,” and risk hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of dollars of our tax-payer’s money on legal fees (Boca’s failure cost $1.1M).

The False Promises of Ken Wayne
Ken Wayne promises to “upgrade our Schools to ‘A’ status” even though he should know that the schools are run by the Broward County School board with little or no input from the City. This false promise is at best intentionally misleading, and at worst, duplicitous.

Ken Wayne Can’t Tell the Truth
Ken Wayne claimed he gave $100,000 to help Haitian relief. When confronted, Ken Wayne admitted he lied.

Ken Wayne says he has lived in Deerfield Beach for 20 years, but he’s only been here for seven months.

Ken Wayne has stolen and misused the US Air Force logo, and was admonished for the misuse of BSO’s logo.

Ken Wayne is Really a Developer
Ken Wayne — the developer — wants to scare you so he can profit on his rental properties near the beach. He tells you that sober homes are out to take over the city — to change the “space ratio” and densities of our neighborhoods.

It’s clear, Ken Wayne, like Trump, wants your vote to improve his bottom line.

I call upon you to #RESIST.

Join me and vote on March 14.

Best to you.

Chaz Stevens, Democrat
Deerfield Beach, FL