Home Business Breaking News- How Much Does A Facebook Like Cost In Deerfield Beach,...

Breaking News- How Much Does A Facebook Like Cost In Deerfield Beach, Does The City of Deerfield Beach BUY LIKES??


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl- Breaking News Updated-Bs any website owner will tell you in Search “Page One” is everything for your key words. ADWORDS is a Google advertising program and generates money for Google and traffic for the advertiser.Google has monetized search with ADWORDS and earned Billions.Those first three or four search results that pop up and are marked as ADS or SPONSORED CONTENT is how Google sells it’s keyword based advertising called ADWORDS.Being on page one and scoring Organically or Naturally in Search is what all websites strive for as it pushes more traffic to your website.
Also important in SEO and Search Engine Marketing is your Social Media status.
Deerfield-News.com is trying to evaluate what is the cost of a “Like”.
Should Government be using Social Media Advertising to promote their own Facebook pages? Does The City of Deerfield beach BUY LIKES?

In starting out on the journey to find out what a “Like’ cost we stumbled upon the fact it appears The City of Deerfield Beach,buys likes on Facebook.That is right we said the City of Deerfield Beach appears to avail Facebooks advertising program promoting their page and buying “Likes”.We have recently received Deerfield Beaches notification they have surpassed 10,000 Likes on Facebook,Mazel Tov!
Now we are not sure that buying “Likes” is a bad thing we are just curious as to the cost.We have requested from City of Deerfield Beach, officials a breakdown of what The City of Deerield Beach spends in SEO and SEM advertising specifically with Google and Facebook.More to come on what does The City of Deerfield Beach spend on Google Adwords,if anything and on Facebook promotions buying “Likes”.
As of this posting we have not received that information.We realize our request was only made Tuesday ,but we expect an answer .