Home City Of Deerfield Beach Our Take-Freedom of Speech The First Amendment and Why Musk Is Just...

Our Take-Freedom of Speech The First Amendment and Why Musk Is Just Wrong About What It Is


Deerfieled-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-The First Amendment does not give every American the right to do or say anything and everything.
There is a litany of case law and Supreme Court decisions on this subject.I was shocked to hear Elon Musk continue to say his purchase of Twitter now X was to protect free speech.What nonsense and bullshit that is,there is no First Amendment right for posters on X or Twitter or Facebook or any other social media app or website unless SCOTUS rules that there is.All of these sites have “Terms Of Service” which every user agreed to when they signed up. Facebook and Twitter and other social media and websites also allow their page operators the right to remove content.

For example if you post something about this story on my Facebook page Deerfield News or in my group Deerfield Beach in the comments I have every right to remove it for whatever reason I want. If you post in the comments on Deerfild-News.com a hyper-local news website I have every right to remove it for whatever reason I want. My removal of your content is not a violation of your First Amendment rights. The owners of those apps and websites ultimately have the last decision about something that was posted being removed.

The exception would be the removal of posts made to a government-operated Facebook or Twitter or website feed that the government takes down . That would be where your First Amendment right would come into play.

Source-Theconversation.com-The First Amendment does not protect messages posted on social media platforms.

The companies that own the platforms can – and do – remove, promote or limit the distribution of any posts according to corporate policies. But all that might soon change.

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear five cases during this current term, which ends in June 2024, that collectively give the court the opportunity to reexamine the nature of content moderation – the rules governing discussions on social media platforms such as Facebook and X, formerly known as Twitter – and the constitutional limitations on the government to affect speech on the platforms.

Source-Google-We have a case where an individual posted a parody Facebook page of the Parma Police Department and the police retaliated against him with trumped up charges of having interfered with their operations. That’s another example of First Amendment retaliation.

The categories of unprotected speech include obscenity, child pornography, defamatory speech, false advertising, true threats, and fighting words.All of which there are court cease about and will iamb certain have more of them every year.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution embodies some of the most basic rights and freedoms enjoyed by the American people to speak their minds, to practice the religion of their choice, to assemble in public places, and to publish their opinions without government interference.
As the Supreme Court held in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the government may forbid “incitement”—speech “directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless action” and “likely to incite or produce such action” (such as a speech to a mob urging it to attack a nearby building).

The First Amendment-

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”