Home City Of Deerfield Beach Pelican Should Do Their Own Fact Checking Before Calling Out Others Deerfield...

Pelican Should Do Their Own Fact Checking Before Calling Out Others Deerfield Beach Has Water Treatment Plant Troubles And Failed Their Test 36 Times


The above pictures of Deerfield Beaches water treatment plant speak for themselves. The $15.8 million in repairs we need are real. The pictures do not lie. The video does not lie Mayor Ganz gave a raving review to disgraced former City Manager Burgess Hanson in his bullying smugness as only he can.

Deerfield-News,com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-The Pelican Newspaper and their so-called reporters Judy Wilson and Anne Geggis (formerly of The Sun-Sentinel now with the Pelican a big step down) should do some research themselves before taking Mayor Ganz’s word Deerfield Beaches water treatment system is OK. For real-life reporters who call themselves journalists their failure to check the facts leaves much to be desired.

Contrary to what Ms. Geggis published we have issued a full apology on our HOME PAGE not buried on page 6 like The Pelican does when it gets caught in non-factual publications which certainly have occurred at The Pelican.Contrary to Ms. Geggis’s reporting Social Media and Bloggers do not just make stuff up and throw it at the wall and see what sticks, more Bill Ganz nonsense. That man our Mayor has been caught lying on video multiple times, Anne where are your reports of these outright lies?

The Pelican’s reporters (if you can call them that) want to take shots at bloggers who have uncovered more scandals in Deerfield Beach in the last 3 years than any local reporter. Deerfield Beach has a serious water treatment plant problems do not try to dumb down the fact by saying Publix buys Deerfield Beach water, they filter and purify it. Which by the way we are going to see how much they are paying the city for that water.

Anne if you would do some reporting you could connect the dots of the corruption that exists in Deerfield Beach starting at the top.


Geggis and Wilson both lack any credibility in attacking anyone that has a beef with Deerfield Beach city government as all they are is an extension of Rebecca Medina Stewart and her lies.

Hanson who was Mayor Ganz’s “Guy” here is the review the only one the thief had from our Mayor.  Come under budget and leave the city a better place BULLSHIT BILL!


Yes, when Mayor Ganz allowed Burgess Hanson to repay ill-gotten gains he aided and abetted after the fact That is a criminal action that Hanson is guilty of and now Ganz as well by his tacit approval and lack of informing law enforcement.

Apparently, The Pelican does not like Bloggers and Social Media as they have a bigger audience and more online readers.