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Mayor Ganz Insinuates Deerfield-News.com Threatens To Sue The City- Reality Check Deerfield Beach Provokes Lawsuits


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-I still am not sure why this City seems to look for litigation.Pretty much they provoke lawsuits,try to use the statutes to hide them from public records request by exemption,and it seems most of these lawsuits are not winners for the city.We will cover that fairly shortly showing the legal fees spent by Deerfield along with other costs.

Not sure if anyone covered city of Deerfield Beach paid commissioner Battle’s legal bill in the ethics violation investigation.Meantime if you would take the time  violatingto look at how you have violated my or my businesses constitutional rights and took it seriously,they are not a joke. Our Puerto Rico  lawsuit shows where the little guy can beat the big guy when the laws are on your side. Again you and your employees/agents have violated my constitutional rights as well as I believe defamed my news blog and me, as well as  committed libel.I have made that clear to Rebecca Medina Stewart it is a public record.

Mayor last time I had a government violate my Constitutional Rights I did not threaten. I protected my constitutional rights and sought “Injunctive Relief” and a Declaratory Judgement in Federal Court…This past week just happens to be twenty years with a “Permanent Injunction” against Puerto Rico upheld by The  United States Court of Appeals,First Circuit .

Used Tire International was a Deerfield Beach based company that also did business in Puerto Rico.Manuel Diaz Saldana was the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico,whose Department was in charge of implementing this law.He was for all legal purposes The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

United States Court of Appeals,First Circuit.

USED TIRE INTERNATIONAL, INC., Plaintiff, Appellant, v. Manuel DIAZ-SALDAÑA, Defendant, Appellee.

This is what the  court found –  “Plainly the bonding requirement imposes burdens, costs and risks on importers of used tires not borne by sellers of locally-generated used tires and thus provides added support for the conclusion that Articles 5(B), 5(D) and 19(A) together facially discriminate against interstate commerce.”

“Because the Secretary has failed to come forward with a showing that Articles 5(B), 5(D) and 19(A) advance a legitimate local purpose that cannot be adequately served by reasonable nondiscriminatory alternatives, see New Energy Co. v. Limbach, 486 U.S. 269, 278, 108 S.Ct. 1803, 100 L.Ed.2d 302 (1988), they cannot withstand scrutiny under the Commerce Clause.”

That means Puert Rico violated The U S Constitution and we have our injunction in effect and used tires flow freely into Puerto Rico.

The point is David can and did beat Goliath.Keep on violating our constitutional rights and for sure we will see you in court.



Mayor,The email from Rebcca to you is from a public records request I just received. I would glady publish whatever you want  to write.I know the city would not make the mistake of not including my blog over other Deerfield Beach media.While I may not have a newspaper,our online presence is greater than that of the Observer you can have all of us publish Pelican Sun Sentinel,whomever that would be the fair thing to do.


Howard Levy


Deerfield-News.com——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Below Email from you to Mayor
From: Bill Ganz <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, September 18, 2017 9:47 am
To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>
Cc: Rebecca Medina <[email protected]>

I’m sorry, what are you touching base with me on?

Bill Ganz

Mayor of Deerfield Beach

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 18, 2017, at 12:37 PM, “[email protected]” <[email protected]> wrote:

Mayor Ganz,


I just wanted to touch base with you on a few things.


1-    How would you feel about doing a monthly article in the Observer? We can call it the Mayor’s Take, Bill’s Bulletin, the Mayor’s Minute or anything else you might like better. You can use it to set the record straight on anything you might be working on, promote certain meetings or events or inform readers on new business. I’ve spoken to Rachel and she said she would love to have you do this. We could start in May. Let me know if you’re interested.

2-    I’ve been speaking to Howard Levy of Deerfield Beach News (which I believe is a pretty new online blog). I just began getting the communication and links to this site so I do believe he is a new blogger in our city. Anyway, he was very interested in our social media analytics. Click this LINK to read his article.

3-    You and I have talked at length about the Crime Report. We have managed to find a solution to the pdf situation (somewhat) we still cannot cut and paste info, however we can cut blocks of info off the document and redact information. I have attached a copy of what it could look like. We could do a monthly or bi-weekly report that is posted on its own web page, which would also contain the crime mapping information at the bottom. We could also tweet out the link as wells as put it out on facebook. Take a look at the attachment and let me know what you think. If this doesn’t work then we’ll figure something else out.

4-    Finally, I want to let you know that I will have Dave Hunt at the Broward Leadership lunch, just to get pictures of you there with the group. I just want to make sure that is ok with you.


Let me know if you have any questions,


Hello Rebecca

I would glady publish  anything Mayor wants to write.I know the city would not make the mistake of not including my blog over other Deerfield Beach media.While I may not have a newspaper,our online presence is greater than that of the Observer you can have all of us publish,that would be the fair thing to do.




From another redacted email.

Bill Ganz <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Mon, Sep 18, 2017 3:32 pm
To: [email protected]” <[email protected]>
Mr. Levy,
I think I understand your email now. I’m sorry, but how was I supposed to ascertain what you were talking about from your email? Out of the blue, you send an email to “touch base” on something and you post an old email. I don’t think it’s outrageous to be a little confused.
I believe you clarified that I wasn’t confused that you were threatening a lawsuit? Put yourself in my shoes, if I pulled you into a conversation you knew nothing about and immediately made a hint of a threat of a lawsuit, you might be put off. At the very least, confused.
In regard to the law, “favoring one publication over another is not legal and violates the US constitution as well as the State of Florida’s.”, can you let me know what law you are referring to?
Mayor that would be The First Amendment and The Fourteenth Amendment ,to start I will leave the rest for the lawyers.