Home Uncategorized Boca To Rethink Sanborn Satan and Festivus Display,but Deerfield Beach Provacateur Is...

Boca To Rethink Sanborn Satan and Festivus Display,but Deerfield Beach Provacateur Is The Original With This Shenanigans


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Seems Boca Raton is rethinking the Sanborn Square displays that caused protests and vandalism last year that included satan and a festivus pole along wih nativity scenes and a menorah. Provacateur and local teacher Preston Smith certainly caused a stir last year with his shennanigans. Deerfield Beach based Ojun Provacateur Chaz Stevens is the original and the authentic when it comes to this stuff.I say Boca accept no seconds welcome Chaz and the Chaz wannabees to come lighten up your square do not change a thing.Invite him for a nice Satanic invocation before a commission meeting.