Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Silence is golden except when it comes to tainted food products and a once stellar brand. As a consumer of Boars Head for more than fifty-five years, I am stunned by the corporate silence of BOAR’S HEAD.

Founded in 1905 by Frank Brunckhorst in New York the company has been an American deli staple for over 115 years. All of that goodwill can and will be lost if the company is not more pro-active in its current situation where customers have died and many other have become very ill. According to their website, Boar’s Head is now  headquartered in Sarasota Florida

There is” No Excuse” for the conditions found in their plant that led to a listeria outbreak. The actions or inactions of the plant manager and management at Boar’s Head will have a long lasting effect on its customer base and on small deli and sandwich shops that sell their products. Locally Publix is still selling Boar’s Head at their deli’s.


Updated: August 292024

To Our Valued Consumers:

We deeply regret the impact this recall has had on affected families. No words can fully express our sympathies and the sincere and deep hurt we feel for those who have suffered losses or endured illness.

We are conducting an extensive investigation, working closely with the USDA and government regulatory agencies, as well as with the industrys leading food safety experts, to determine how our liverwurst produced at our Jarratt, Virginia facility was adulterated and to prevent it from happening again.

Production has been paused at our Jarratt, Virginia facility since we initiated the expanded recall in late July. We will not resume operations at this facility until we are confident that it meets USDA regulatory standards and Boars Heads highest quality and safety standards.

Latest Update

Your safety remains our top priority.

This product recall is limited to only our Jarratt, Virginia facility. And, only Boars Head Liverwurst has been found to be adulterated with Listeria monocytogenes.

Since this incident occurred in late July 2024, we immediately paused production at our Jarratt, Virginia facility. We will not resume operations here until we are confident that all products from this facility meet USDA regulatory standards and Boars Heads highest quality and safety standards.

We have been working together with the USDA and government regulatory agencies, along with the industrys leading global food safety experts, to conduct a rigorous investigation to determine how this happened. We are very close to concluding our investigation and sharing our findings as soon as the USDA has reviewed them.

We have long held an unwavering commitment to keeping our foods safe with standards at or exceeding regulatory requirements. But, here, our best efforts failed, and we are deeply sorry. We are working to implement the appropriate actions at our Jarratt facility to prevent something like this from occurring again. While production is now paused at this facility, we are taking this opportunity to conduct disinfection, enhance procedures and policies where needed, and provide additional training to employees.

Boars Head has always been, and will remain, committed to the quality and safety of our products. You have our promise that we will work tirelessly to regain your trust and ensure that all Boars Head products consistently meet the highest quality and safety standards that you deserve and expect. We are determined to learn from this experience and emerge stronger.

The Recall Explained

  • Initial Recall: On July 25, 2024, we recalled our Strassburger Brand Liverwurst because it had the potential to be adulterated with Listeria monocytogenes. We also recalled nine other products made on the same line and on the same day as our liverwurst.
  • Expanded Recall: Four days later, on July 29, 2024, once testing confirmed a link between our liverwurst and the outbreak, we took immediate and decisive action. In the interest of public health and safety, we voluntarily decided to expand our recall to include every item produced at the same facility as our liverwurst. We enacted this broad and precautionary recall totaling seven million pounds because we believed it was the right thing to do.
  • Recalled Products List: The complete list of recalled products can be viewed here.

Whats Not Recalled

Importantly, this recall only affects certain products from one plant (Jarratt, Virginia) ranging from mostly sliced fresh from the deli counter liverwurst, bolognas, and smoked hams to a limited number of pre-packaged retail sausage, frankfurter, and bacon products.

Most Boars Head products are produced at other plants and are not affected by the recall.


  • Boar’s Head items currently available today in food retail and foodservice outlets are not part of the recall.
  • Boar’s Head Sliced Fresh from the Deli TurkeyChickenRoast BeefCharcuterie, and Cheese are not included in the recall. Not Included in the Recall
    • Deli Sliced Turkey
    • Deli Sliced Chicken
    • Deli Sliced Roast Beef
    • Deli Sliced Charcuterie
    • Deli Sliced Cheese
  • All Boar’s Head Retail Pre-Packaged Sliced Deli Meats and Cheeses are not included in the recall.

Example of a Boars Head Retail Pre-Packaged Sliced Deli Meat

  • Boar’s Head Cheese: Boar’s Head Cheese products are not part of the recall.  This includes all cheese products sliced fresh from the deli, pre-packaged, or from the specialty cheese case.
  • Boar’s Head Charcuterie Items: Boar’s Head Charcuterie items are not part of the recall. This includes products sliced fresh from the service deli, as well as retail and grab-and-go sections, including Boar’s Head Charcuterie Duets, Trios, and Snacking items. (Please note that Boar’s Head Beef Salami under the Bologna category is included as part of the recall.)
  • Boar’s Head Hummus, Spreads & Greek Yogurt Dips: Boar’s Head Hummus, Spreads, and Greek Yogurt Dips are not included in the recall.
  • Boar’s Head Pickles, Sauerkraut & Condiments: Boar’s Head Pickles, Sauerkraut and Condiments are not included in the recall.
  • Boar’s Head Maple Glazed Honey Coat Ham, Boar’s Head Branded Deluxe Ham, and Boar’s Head Branded Deluxe 42% Lower Sodium Ham are not part of the recall. Please note that some hams that were part of the recall are also produced at other facilities and are available for sale – these hams are not part of the recall.

What to Do with Recalled Products

If you purchased any of the recalled items before July 312024, and have them in your possession, please discard them or return them to the store where purchased for a full refund.

More Information & Resources

  • For a complete list of recalled products, please click here.
  • For more recall information from the USDA, please click here.
  • If you have further questions or concerns, please call our customer service line at 1-800-352-6277.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are affected products still available for purchase in grocery stores, delis, and foodservice outlets?
Boar’s Head took immediate action to swiftly initiate an expanded recall on July 29, 2024, and remove products from commerce.
Boar’s Head products currently available in food retail and foodservice outlets are not part of the recall.

I have a recalled item at home, what should I do?

If you purchased any products on the recall list before July 31, 2024, please discard them or return them to the store where purchased for a full refund.

What was the reason that the products were recalled?

A sample of Boar’s Head Strassburger Brand Liverwurst collected by the Maryland Department of Health tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes. Upon notification from the USDA, this item was immediately recalled from the marketplace, along with nine other items produced on the same production line and on the same day as our liverwurst.

Once our liverwurst was linked to the deli meat outbreak, we took immediate and decisive action. In the interest of public health and safety, we voluntarily recalled every item produced at the plant where our liverwurst was made. We enacted this broad and precautionary recall because we believed it was the right thing to do.

Can I consume Boar’s Head products available for sale today?

Boar’s Head products currently available in food retail and foodservice outlets are not part of the recall.

What is Boar’s Head doing to prevent this from happening again?

Your safety remains our top priority. To that end, we are conducting a rigorous investigation to identify the root cause of this incident and we are implementing comprehensive remediation measures to ensure that all our deli products meet the highest safety and quality standards. We have partnered with the industry’s leading global food safety experts and microbiologists to enhance, where needed, our procedures and practices. We are also taking this opportunity to add additional training for our employees. For generations, Boar’s Head has always been, and will remain, committed to the quality and safety of our products. You have our promise that we will work tirelessly to regain your trust and ensure that all Boar’s Head products consistently meet the highest quality and safety standards that you deserve and expect.
Are recalled products from the plant in Jarratt, Virginia in stores?

Boars Head enacted a voluntary recall of every item produced at its Jarratt, Virginia facility, where its liverwurst is made, in July 2024.

Since this recall, all operations at our Jarratt, Virginia plant have been paused. During this time, we have partnered with the industrys leading global food safety experts to conduct a rigorous investigation to get to the bottom of the events leading to this recall. We are also taking this time to conduct deep disinfection, enhance policies and procedures where needed, and provide additional training to employees.

We want to assure consumers that no product will be released from this facility until it meets the highest quality and safety standards that you deserve and expect.

Why is the CDC reporting more illnesses weeks after the recall?
From the CDC website, more illnesses have been reported in this outbreak because Listeria is a hardy germ that can remain on surfaces and foods, even at refrigerated temperatures. It can also take up to 10 weeks for some people to have symptoms of listeriosis.
I saw a news story on the Jarratt, Virginia facility. What happened?
The USDA has inspectors in our Jarratt, Virginia plant every day, and if inspectors identify something that needs to be addressed, our team does so immediately, as was the case with each issue raised by USDA in this report, which covered a 12-month period.

During the course of the 12-month reporting period, inspectors performed thousands of inspectional tasks at our Jarratt, Virginia facility – identifying 69 issues that were immediately corrected at the time by our local plant management.

Since our voluntary recall in July 2024 all operations at our Jarratt, Virginia plant have been paused. We are taking this time to conduct disinfection, enhance policies and procedures where needed, and provide additional training to employees. No product will be released from this facility until we are confident that it meets USDA regulatory standards and Boar’s Head’s highest quality and safety standards.


Here is what New Yorkers have to say after a recent N.Y Post story about Boars Head.

Donna Berlin
5h ago
That plant in Virginia, should NEVER have gotten to the point. that it did. The issues with BOAR’S HEAD — starts from the top down! Corporate heads need to roll!!!

Robert Dia
3h ago
This shit happens at a lot of meat plants doing lunch meat and butcherkng Why the hate on Virginia?

jim smith
5h ago
boars head provisions sucks💩.it is overpriced and full of chemicals.take a look at the ingredient label.it is a mile long.i want them to go away forever,praise Jesus 😁

Robert Dia
3h ago
Like no other lunch meat has the same ingredients. It’s cold cuts. It’s not filet mignon.

5h ago
they charge 10.99 a lb for turkey and can’t maintain their factories! They can kiss my ass and I will never buy it again.

Sue Morgado
4h ago
Publix’s in FL charged anywhere from 12.99 to 14.99

6h ago
and yet boarshead is still delivering their disgusting cold cuts to local grocery chain stores. ie stop and shop in Massachusetts

Sue Morgado
4h ago
Then why is Publix in Florida still selling it and saying it’s good. Lost me a a former boars head fan

Don Groman
3h ago
Boar’s head is now “Boar’s Dead”! Disgusting! Factory should never falling into that kind of unsanitary condition for food products! So much for govt health inspectors!

44m ago
BH is selling so cheap at my local stores. It could be free and I will never buy it again!

Douglas Bull
1h ago
this could have been done intentionally.

Dats all
1h ago

1h ago
New Yorkers be careful eating at some of these Bodega’s know what your eating and label 🏷

Brenda Bird
1h ago
Take it out of every grocery store deli workers are using the same slicer to cut other lunch meat and cheese causing other meats to get Listeria in that food every grocery store needs to throw out all Boars head and do a deep cleaning

1h ago
It’s our wake up call to limit the use of over processing our food.

2h ago
The boars head is trash 💩

2h ago
I’ve eaten Boarshead hotdogs & Knockwurst for over 15 years and never gotten sick. I have food allergies and Boarshead since they use simple ingredients it allows me to enjoy their hotdogs & Knockwurst without getting sick. So much so I have eaten their Knockwurst for breakfast and hotdogs for dinner for the last 4 years. This is devastating to me. I’m left searching for an alternative that doesn’t make me sick. I hope they start restocking their shelves soon!

Don Groman
3h ago
Cured me of eating deli meats

Liberalism is a mental illness
3h ago
Its terrorism.

Robert Dia
3h ago

Jamais vu
3h ago
lol plunge? That shit should’ve been tossed and the processing plant closed and demolished and all brick n mortar stores closed. Plunged should be a understatement

Felicia Borst
3h ago
Commited to charging top dollar without making sure their factories are operating with the highest standards of cleanliness

Alfred Henitz
4h ago
as companies go..another one bites the dust. see ya, your too expensive anyway.

4h ago
And yet Publix and delis are still serving boars head cold cuts 😳

Mr. D
4h ago
It’ll be bought out by the Chinese soon. lol

On Scene Marine
4h ago
done to themselves ill never eat lunch meat again.

4h ago
Would never buy it again, screw them

Moe James
4h ago
If they were “committed” to the quality of their products, this shyt would have never happened

Robert Dia
3h ago

Kevin Johnston
4h ago
they should. I don’t think that much of boreheads meet at all anymore. we have to this outrageous they should have been on the ballpark the first time. not let Annie like this happen. absolutely ridiculous. corporate greed

44m ago
BH is selling so cheap at my local stores. It could be free and I will never buy it again!

Douglas Bull
1h ago
this could have been done intentionally.

Dats all
1h ago

1h ago
New Yorkers be careful eating at some of these Bodega’s know what your eating and label 🏷

Brenda Bird
1h ago
Take it out of every grocery store deli workers are using the same slicer to cut other lunch meat and cheese causing other meats to get Listeria in that food every grocery store needs to throw out all Boars head and do a deep cleaning

1h ago
It’s our wake up call to limit the use of over processing our food.

2h ago
The boars head is trash 💩

2h ago
I’ve eaten Boarshead hotdogs & Knockwurst for over 15 years and never gotten sick. I have food allergies and Boarshead since they use simple ingredients it allows me to enjoy their hotdogs & Knockwurst without getting sick. So much so I have eaten their Knockwurst for breakfast and hotdogs for dinner for the last 4 years. This is devastating to me. I’m left searching for an alternative that doesn’t make me sick. I hope they start restocking their shelves soon!

Don Groman
3h ago
Boar’s head is now “Boar’s Dead”! Disgusting! Factory should never falling into that kind of unsanitary condition for food products! So much for govt health inspectors!

Don Groman
3h ago
Cured me of eating deli meats

Liberalism is a mental illness
3h ago
Its terrorism.

Robert Dia
3h ago

Jamais vu
3h ago
lol plunge? That shit should’ve been tossed and the processing plant closed and demolished and all brick n mortar stores closed. Plunged should be a understatement

Felicia Borst
3h ago
Commited to charging top dollar without making sure their factories are operating with the highest standards of cleanliness

Alfred Henitz
4h ago
as companies go..another one bites the dust. see ya, your too expensive anyway.

4h ago
And yet Publix and delis are still serving boars head cold cuts 😳

Mr. D
4h ago
It’ll be bought out by the Chinese soon. lol

On Scene Marine
4h ago
done to themselves ill never eat lunch meat again.

4h ago
Would never buy it again, screw them

Moe James
4h ago
If they were “committed” to the quality of their products, this shyt would have never happened

Robert Dia
3h ago

Kevin Johnston
4h ago
they should. I don’t think that much of boreheads meet at all anymore. we have to this outrageous they should have been on the ballpark the first time. not let Annie like this happen. absolutely ridiculous. corporate greed