Home City Of Deerfield Beach Dirty In Deerfield Quick Bite Thai and Sushi Has Roach Problem

Dirty In Deerfield Quick Bite Thai and Sushi Has Roach Problem


Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-A recent inspection by the State of Florida DBPR led to the closure at Quick Bite Thai and Sushi.

Name: QUICK BITE THAI AND SUSHI License Number: SEA1616421
Rank: Seating License Expiration Date: 12/01/2024
Primary Status: Current Secondary Status: Active
Location Address: 470 W HILLSBORO BLVD

Inspection Information
Inspection Type Inspection Date Result High Priority Violations Intermediate Violations Basic Violations
Routine – Food 08/09/2024 Facility Temporarily Closed
Operations ordered stopped until violations are corrected.
More information about inspections.
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A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below. The department cites violations of Florida’s sanitation and safety laws, which are based on the standards of U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Code. High Priority violations are those which could contribute directly to a foodborne illness or injury and include items such as cooking, reheating, cooling and hand-washing. Intermediate violations are those which, if not addressed, could lead to risk factors that contribute to foodborne illness or injury. These violations include personnel training, documentation or record keeping and labeling. Basic violations are those which are considered best practices to implement. While most establishments correct all violations in a timely manner (often during the inspection), the division’s procedures are designed to compel compliance with all violations through follow-up visits, administration action or closure when necessary.
Violation Observation
24-05-4 Basic – Clean glasses, cups, bowls, plates, pots and pans not stored inverted or in a protected manner. Observed cleaned utensils stored in container at food prep table not inverted.
06-09-1 Basic – Commercially processed reduced oxygen packaged fish bearing a label indicating that it is to remain frozen until time of use no longer frozen and not removed from reduced oxygen package. Observed commercially processed tuna thawing in sealed ROP packaging. Operator removed package. **Corrected On-Site**
35A-03-4 Basic – Dead roaches on premises. 1. Observed one dead roach on floor near dry storage rack in dry storage area.
10-07-4 Basic – In-use utensil stored in standing water less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Utensil water 85F with in use spoon stored in it at cookline in kitchen. Operator discarded water, stored dry. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**
23-03-4 Basic – Nonfood-contact surface soiled with grease, food debris, dirt, slime or dust. 1. Hood filters above cook line in kitchen. **Repeat Violation**
14-20-4 Basic – Ripped/worn tin foil used as shelf cover on bottom shelf of table next to cook line in kitchen.
21-09-4 Basic – Wet wiping cloths used for occasional spills on equipment food- and nonfood-contact surfaces not clean. Observed stored at food prep table and at cookline in kitchen.
14-31-5 High Priority – Nonfood-grade paper used in direct contact with food. Observed salmon, tuna, cucumbers, and cut vegetables in direct contact with non food grade paper towels. Operator removed. **Corrected On-Site**
08A-05-6 High Priority – Raw animal food stored over/not properly separated from ready-to-eat food. Raw shell eggs observed stored over cooked chicken in reach in cooler opposite cook line in kitchen. Operator reorganized. **Corrected On-Site**
35A-05-4 High Priority – Roach activity present as evidenced by live roaches found. 1. Observed two live roaches on floor in front of two door reach in cooler in ware wash area. 2. Observed approximately eight live roaches observed on castor wheels of two door reach in cooler in ware wash area.