Home City Of Deerfield Beach Our Take-Failed Leadership Mixed Messages On State And National Level

Our Take-Failed Leadership Mixed Messages On State And National Level


Deerfield-News-Deefield Beach, Fl- FL-Condolences are not sufficient. PPE numbers no matter what Vice President Pence says is not sufficient hospitals have shortages. We need leadership. Both Governor Desantis and President Trump have failed us. It is no major accomplishment that every American that needs a ventilator has gotten one, thus far. Trump has failed the leadership test by refusing to wear a mask and set an example.

Wearing a mask is not political nor a sign of weakness. A true leader would lead by example and wear a mask.

Stop with the great success of testing that is nonsense we are not testing enough!


Now they send Pence out to tell us the numbers are ok and the economy is strong. The economy is in shambles almost 50 million Americans are unemployed and will get worse with the spike in Coronavirus. Florida has just now reversed itself on liquor sales from bars again closing bars.

We are failing and will have to go back no Tv news conference can change the facts.

Wear a mask social distance and stay away from me when in public or at Publix.

Quote from Twitter yesterday President Trump”Coronavirus deaths are way down.”

No, they are rising daily as of today 126,509 are dead.

Truth is we did not flatten the curve? What the hell is Vice president Pence talking about? Stop the lies people are dying we will be at 200,00 dead Americans shortly, remember when 200,00 Americans died from just the flu or it is only a cold?