Home Business Deerfield Beach Why Is CVS Crossing The Road?

Deerfield Beach Why Is CVS Crossing The Road?


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach Fl,-The construction and demolition are starting.CVS pharmacy will be vacating Trail Plaza and moving across Hillsboro Boulevard into Century Plaza.A free standing building for CVS is under construction.Century Plaza will be demolishing an entire third of the front plaza.Temporary fences and contruction site trailer are in place,below is a copy of the site plan.Merchants,Doctors and customers in Century Plaza are going to face traffic delays and parking issues,as the construction and demolition begin.Century Plaza is occupied by many doctors and dentists as well as a Broward County Library in the back and a Chabad Synogogue, Qwest labs,banks, cigar shop and hairdressers are also located there.


Century Plaza built in 1976 by Cenville Corp the builders of Century Village is now owned by Brixmor NYSE.