Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Sheriffs Message on securing Houses of Worship.How concerned should Deerfields Jews be?

Sheriffs Message on securing Houses of Worship.How concerned should Deerfields Jews be?



Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-We had done apiece last year and after publishing we deleted it on this very subject,only because we felt it was editorialized and like many Small News Blog Websites we are striving to get Published by GOOGLE NEWS so we opted not to post. Today it is a different story below is Sheriff Scott Israels message. Deerfield-News.com has already contacted BSO with some questions about Special Details.


RE: Cost of Details to protect Churchs,Temples and all houses of worship


Date: Tue, Sep 01, 2015 10:32 am
To: “Media Relations”

Media Relations,
In reference to Sheriffs Newsletter.What does a house of worship need to do to receive Special Details. To be on site for whatever time period requested by the paying party?
What are the costs,what are procedures.
I have seen Temple Bnai Israel in Boca Raton who apparently have round the clock Boca PD Detail protection in addition to their own armed security.I have always felt Young Israel here in Deerfield just outside century Village is a Super Soft target especially because most worshippers are elderly.I am seeking your info to hopefully pass on and persuade the congregation it is needed in a pending upcoming story.
Howard Levy

Deerfield -News.com will be doing several more posts on this subject,especially as Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur approach.

Yes this month’s Sheriff Message is about security at religious institutions. To learn more, or to schedule a security inspection and review at a place of worship, please contact the Broward Sheriff’s Office at 954-321-4717. To reserve a special detail, the requestor needs to call the Special Details office at 954-831-8199. Contact the Special Details office for costs, paperwork and information.


Churches, temples, religious schools and other religious institutions are vital to our community, yet they also face special security risks. By their very welcoming and spiritual nature, places to worship are typically open long hours every day – and sometimes around the clock.

This open-door nature of houses of worship can make them especially vulnerable to individuals who are fueled by hate, or suffering from mental illness, and who are seeking to inflict harm. Case in point was the horrific racist terror attack in June on the church in Charleston, South Carolina that left nine people dead at an evening Bible study class.

As sheriff, the safety of our community is my primary concern. I want to ensure your protection from harm in all of your daily activities, whether it is going to work, to school or to worship.

This is not a new concern for me. In recent years, because of a few anti-Semitic incidents in South Florida, the Broward Sheriff’s Office conducted a “Keeping Your Jewish Institutions Safe” conference to prepare synagogues to address safety concerns during the high holy days.

Simultaneously, our BSO Community Outreach team and our Chaplain’s Office were also essential in building stronger ties between our agency and Broward’s many diverse religious groups. Many faith communities in Broward – Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu – have remarked that trust between BSO and their congregations has grown incredibly.

In the aftermath of the Charleston attacks, we are expanding our security conference this year to include religious institutions of all faiths to discuss their concerns and how, working together, we can bring people together. This is what I like to call “Uniting Broward”: to share ideas to make our community safer.

Our religious community can learn a lot from us about how they can better protect their institutions and congregations. Among items that make a difference: improving lines of sight by keeping hedges and bushes trimmed low to remove potential blind spots, ensuring outdoor lighting illuminates all entrances to the institution to discourage intruders and adding security cameras to deter potential acts of vandalism or even terrorism.

Most importantly is the concept of simply being alert: if you SEE SOMETHING unusual, SAY SOMETHING so it can be promptly reported to law enforcement. If anything seems out of the ordinary, make it your responsibility to share that information. Only by sharing vital pieces of information can steps be taken to avert potentially dangerous situations.

To learn more, or to schedule a security inspection and review at your place of worship, please contact the Broward Sheriff’s Office at 954-321-4717.

As always, you can stay up to date about BSO news and information by visiting our website at www.sheriff.org, become a fan of our Facebook page (Broward Sheriff’s Office – Official), follow us on Twitter@browardsheriff or sign up to receive Sheriff Israel’s e-Alerts.

Sheriff Scott Israel
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