Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Why Do BSO, Boca Raton Police, FHP, FBI and State of...

Why Do BSO, Boca Raton Police, FHP, FBI and State of Florida Department of Health PIO’s Communicate- But Deerfield Beach’s Will Not




Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-The fact that media had to go to court to get Public Records Requests from BSO which they BSO subsequently say they agreed to for Parkland tapes and videos.  The foregoing demonstrates governments do not just always turn over public records because they are supposed to or they were requested for the proper way.

Deerfield-news.com has shown several times Deerfield Beach’s PIO Rebecca Medina does not even answer our calls, return our calls or emails. While Mayor believes he has the right to direct her not to answer us it is her job. The Mayor or our city manager have failed to assign someone else to handle Deerfield-News.com if Rebecca will not. They choose to weaponize her by not having her respond and leaving me to the clerk who says they can not respond to that. They choose to weaponize the clerk’s office by denying information or making me re-request it and “feeing”  Deerfield-News .com, just for the hell of it where they do not for others. Again Mayor and Burgess Hanson are behind this, my politics aside, my blog aside I have rights as a citizen and a resident of Deerfield Beach to have access to our PIO.


From Deerfield-Beach.com-“The mission of the office of Public Affairs and Marketing for the City of Deerfield Beach is to serve as the primary link between the City and the general public/media. The goal of the department is to execute responsible and effective communications, which is a basic obligation of government and an essential component of the democratic process.

The goal is to create public awareness of all municipal initiatives and civic events and to be as innovative as possible in our efforts to promote Deerfield Beach, its location and uniqueness to residents, businesses and visitors. We aim to deliver the highest levels of professionalism”.


I will say this I have no PIO at BSO that will not answer a phone call or return one or answer emails, not one so why do I have this weaponization of lack of access to my cities PIO.

I am certain folks at BSO do not like some of my requests maybe do not like me or my questions, but they do not ignore them, me or the law.

For the record I know that Deerfield Beach’s PIO has relations with some BSO’s PIO’s I  have discovered that in public records, as well as they have to work together on certain issues for obvious reasons.

Again BSO’s PIO’s never have ignored me or not responded to a Public Records Request or refused to talk on the phone or respond to emails, ever!

Email to our city attorney Andy Maurodis on this subject maybe he can explain it to Mayor and Burgess


<[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Wed, Mar 28, 2018 12:44 pm
To: [email protected]
——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Access To PIO for Deerfield-News.com
From: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, March 28, 2018 12:18 pm
To: [email protected]

Dear Mr. Maurodis,
Please if Mayor and Burgess are going to direct Rebecca Medina to not communicate with me, not return emails or calls or send info they need to provide another person so I may have access to Deerfield Beach Public Information in real time the same as anyone else in the media.
Howard Levy