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The Difference Between Not Liking How Politicians Are Running Deerfield Beach And Not Liking Deerfield Beach #ILOVEDFB


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-There is a distinct difference in being critical and scrutinizing how our city government operates.There is nothing wrong in calling out the mayor when he lies in an email or on video at a commission meeting.There is nothing wrong with questioning why the city is raising 43 million dollars in a bond.There is nothing wrong questioning why we are about to spend hundreds of thousands if not more on legal fees fighting our neighbor Hillsboro Beach.There is nothing wrong questioning a $150,000 sign installed on US1.There is nothing wrong questioning what is going on at city hall or any other city building or park if it involves accusations of sexual harrassment from a city supervisor to a subordinate.There is nothing wrong questioning if our hard working employees were cheated out of special overtime pay for Hurricane clean-up,when we paid contractors way too much.There is nothing wrong questioning your city when they gave poor and illegal notice of a “Public Meeting” after Hurricane Irma and then Mayor lies about how many people from the public were there.

There is nothing wrong with questioning a rust problem at our water treatment plant and not being in compliance with the state  and asking what is our back-up  plan if the water plant goes down.

What is wrong is when city officials do not tell the public the truth especially about our water treatment plant.

There is something wrong with a mayor caught in lies.

There is something wrong when Mayor is “condescending” while conducting official city business.

There is something wrong when your Mayor has been caught lying more than once on the record.

Would it have hurt Mayor Ganz just to have said he did not want to attend former Mayor Robb’s funeral instead of lying about where he was and how there was no communication available.I never asked where he was nor do I care.

Like most who chose to live here I love our city and want the best for it,including our government. The Mayor and Commissioners and staff work for us the residents.

Dealing with some of the folks at city hall is not easy, try getting some public records requests, try asking them a direct question and they refuse to answer and they are just following instructions of our city manager or mayor and commissioners.We have an obligation to our children not to leave them an insolvent city and that maybe where we are headed.

We have a beautful world class beach with a great fishing pier we have some great parks our schools have improved.I like many chose to move here in 1980 after my grandparents came in 76.We have easy ocean access via the Intracoastal for boat owners and a great view too. I love Deerfield Beach it truly is paradise for me.Writing about the issues we have and our elected officials and or city employees some who will retire as multi-millionaires if we can sustain their pensions is different than not loving Deerfield Beach.We can agree to disagree on our politics and or politicians but we should never stop questioning them.#ILOVEDFB