Home City Of Deerfield Beach Deerfield Beach and Brooklyn Water Bagels “It’s All About The Water”

Deerfield Beach and Brooklyn Water Bagels “It’s All About The Water”


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-After yesterdays post on bagels, and The Original Brooklyn Water Bagels TM “it’s all about the water.” I was thinking for Deerfield Beach residents it is all about the water and exactly what is Deerfield Beach hiding from us.

Mayor, you have the absolute authority to permit anyone to visit the water treatment plant.Several citizens myself included have asked for that right DHS or a BSO Deputy or a US Marshall can accompany us if you so requested. Whatever it is you are hiding or think we will not find out about, we are going to get to the bottom of.

Again, folks, the pictures speak for themselves, it is not “a little rust in the trough” before the water gets treated, as Mayor would have you believe.

How about the EPA report Mayor you care to challenge that and dismiss it? How about the  State of Florida Department of Health that clearly states the city of Deerfield Beach’s water treatment plant was not in compliance and with deficiencies 36 consecutive months. Facts Mayor all facts, and again there are the pictures!

It is a systemic wide problem that needs nearly $15 Million in repairs, it is your drinking water, your bathing water and the same the water your pets drink, too!

Look at the pictures they did not want to release and say they were sent in error.You can see the rust you can read the reports that were never published in any local newspapers or on TV.

Who are you going to believe your lying eyes or your lying Mayor?

You must think that if you come out and say we are creating “a panic” your neglect of our water treatment plant will go unnoticed. Mayor, what are you hiding?

You know my “Public Record Requests ” include everyone who has visited the water treatment plant and I have requested the records from the State of Florida, too.

Next week we will travel to Fort Lauderdale and see what we can find hidden in the public records you “have had scrubbed” claiming a statutory exemption.

Yes, we have contacted the Office of The Inspector General and have reported our concerns about the financial misappropriation to repair our water treatment plant.

Take a look at what the State of Florida Department of Health has prepared for us. Stay tuned same bat website, same bat time we will publish what they have provided that is pertinent, the rest the stuff they are hiding maybe we will seek a “Writ of Mandamus” for. Time to let a Judge decide what is exempt from the public to see. as opposed to you Mayor and legal counsel of yours or the State of Florida’s.

“Eichner, Paul D” <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)
Date: Mon, Jan 22, 2018 11:37 am
To: “‘[email protected]'” <[email protected]>
Cc: “Sims, Candy” <[email protected]>
Mr. Levy,


The documents you requested in your January 11, 2018 email to the Broward County Health Department have been collected and are now available. The documents are quite voluminous.  You may schedule an appointment to pick them up at your convenience.  Additionally, there are 40 plan sheets that are related to your request and are available to view and have copies made.  Charges will be assessed in compliance with Florida Statute section 119.07 and Department policy. Please identify a date and time when you will pick up and/or inspect the public records so that we can coordinate having a space available for you to review the documents. Our business hours are 8am to 5pm Monday through Friday.  Kindly schedule your appointment with sufficient buffer to ensure that you complete your review prior to 5pm.  Should you need to reschedule to complete your review we will accommodate your request.


Kindly share your requested appointment time and this office will coordinate with our Environmental Section and confirm the date and time with you via email.  We are located at 2421A  S.W. 6th Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315.




Paul D. Eichner, Chief Legal Counsel

Office of General Counsel

Florida Department of Health-Broward County
780 SW 24th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315
(954)467-4700 ext. 4104

[email protected]