Home Business South Florida Reporter Has Boca Raton as #9 Best Beach Town Except...

South Florida Reporter Has Boca Raton as #9 Best Beach Town Except Photo Is Of Deerfield Beach


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Hey wait a minute South Florida Reporter,your #9 Best Beach Town is Deerfield Beach, or at least that is the photo you have.I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt that you shot the photo from Boca Raton,but even that appears not to be the case.That plain and simple is Deerfield Beach and our International Fishing Pier.We will be good sports and we will not call you out on the wrong photo as it seems Doudo on Flickr had it marked wrong.
Happy Fourth From Deerfield-News.com In Deerfield Beach!