Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Stupid Statute Can Cause Racing Havoc in Palm Beach On Election Day...

Stupid Statute Can Cause Racing Havoc in Palm Beach On Election Day !



Deerfield-News.com Deerfield Beach Fl,-In our last publication we discussed that with Usedtres.com  who better than a tire company to sponsor a race,as our Co- sponsor. Deerfield-News.com intented to hold an Auto race on SR A1A from Mar a Lago in Palm Beach to Deerfield Beach at the county line.Some had written us saying this was a bad imitation by me of Aaron Nevis son of Sun-Sentinel columnist Buddy Nevins, stunt to hold a race in Broward.Our intention and mission is to expose stupid out dated state statutes that can be used to disrupt our society. our Attorney advised that going forward with the notice to Sheriff Bradshaw could possibly drain resources they need to perform other duties on election day.On the advice of counsel our intent has been withdrawn and we never bothered anyone in Palm Beach County.Time for our legislators to look at the evil that can be done using our outdated and “potentially dangerous” statutes.Hey that sounds like Goodyear…I mean the Rubber Manufacturers Associaton.We intend to start a Statute Watch page where we will follow old outdated statutes that can cause harm.