Home Food Inspector Reports ” Dirty in Deerfield “Supermarket Inspections and Reports,Suck!

” Dirty in Deerfield “Supermarket Inspections and Reports,Suck!


Publix dfld

Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl- according to Florida Dept of Agriculture,last report for Publix store on Hillsboro – from 4-09-2014 ?????Florida Dept of Agriculture Supermarket and Deli and C Store Inspections and Reports,Suck!
PUBLIX # 0348: 50359
3740 W Hillsboro Blvd
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (Broward County) Supermarket
Permit: Active
Inspection Report from: 04/09/2014 Inspection Rating: Pass
The violations below indicate areas of the inspection that were found to be out of compliance.

Violations Citations
Citation1: Shellstock tags not remained attached to the original container until empty; date not recorded on the tag or label of when last shellstock from the container is sold or served; identity not maintained by retaining shellstock tags or labels for 90 calendar days in chronological order; or commingling of shellstock not prevented. 3-203.12 Pf [^]
Citation1: Equipment or utensils not clean to sight and touch. 4-601.11(A) Pf
Citation1: Improper date marking system or no date marking on ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food (time/temperature control for safety food) as specified in the food code held at 41°F for more than 24 hours for a maximum of 7 days. 3-501.17 Pf [^]
Citation1: Insect control devices used to electrocute or stun flying insects not located to prevent dead insects and fragments from being impelled onto or falling on exposed food, clean equipment, utensils, and linens, or unwrapped single-service and single-use articles. 6-202.13 [^]
Citation1: Cleaned equipment or utensils, laundered linens, not stored in a clean, dry location, exposed to splash, dust, or other contamination, at least 6 inches above the floor, or not stored in a self-draining position that allows air drying or not covered or inverted. 4-903.11(B) [^]
Citation1: Floor mounted equipment not installed sealed to floor, or not elevated on legs at least 6 inches from floor or with adequate cleaning access or counter mounted equipment that is not easily moveable not elevated on legs that provide 4 inch clearance between table and equipment except as specified in the FDA Food Code. 4-402.12(A)&(D) [^]
Citation1: Floors, floor coverings, walls, wall coverings, and ceilings not designed constructed, and installed so they are smooth and easily cleanable. 6-201.11 [^]

Citation2: Physical facilities cleaning not done as often as necessary to keep them clean or during periods when the least amount of food is exposed such as after closing. 6-501.12 [^]
Citation1: Dressing rooms, lockers, or other suitable facilities or areas not provided for the orderly storage of employee’s clothing and other possessions or not designated when employees routinely change their clothes in the establishment. 6-305.11 [^]

Stop Use
As a result of the inspection findings, the Business has been ordered to stop using the following equipment until it can be brought into compliance:

Item Name Purpose

Stop Sale
As a result of the inspection findings, the Business has been ordered to stop selling the following products until they can be brought into compliance:
The frequency of Inspections and reports seems insufficient?