Home City Of Deerfield Beach With No Brightline Running Amtrak Involved In Second Train Death In As...

With No Brightline Running Amtrak Involved In Second Train Death In As Many Weeks



Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-We should not forget even when thousands of Americans are succumbing to Coronavirus daily, South Florida has a death by train problem. We have covered a large number of suicides by train as well as the “I can beat The Train” crowd that is responsible for most incidents. This morning an Amtrak train in Lake Worth and pedestrian collide causing the death of one person.

Deerfield-News.com count of train deaths in the Tri-county area seems minuscule compared to the number of deaths daily from the virus. Our present-day count is now 46. Still, this is one of the highest numbers per capita of train deaths in the US.

PBSO and NTSB are investigating the incident.