Home City Of Deerfield Beach National Prayer Day May 2-I Pray For No More Corruption At City...

National Prayer Day May 2-I Pray For No More Corruption At City Hall


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Deerfield Beach City Hall May 2, 2019, National Prayer Day. As I stated in my headling “I Pray For No More Corruption At City Hall”, I pray for an as full and thorough investigation by law enforcement of all the Shenanigans that are going on and have gone on at City Hall. The citizens of Deerfield Beach deserve a full audit and forensic accountant as well as Law enforcement investigating our City Hall and Government!

Deerfield Beach has just lost it’s City Manager and Assistant City Manager amidst a scandal involving overpayment of COLA monies and more. Mayor Ganz had no authority to do what he did and not get law enforcement involved. The second Mayor Ganz discovered Burgess Hanson received Ill-Gotten Gains he had a duty to report it to law enforcement. This Mayor’s inaction and actions of allowing a payback of stolen monies is criminal. We pray for him.