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Facebook Post To FYI Email To FOIA Requests For Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz Telefonic and Electronic Records


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Not quite sure still why Mayor Ganz felt it necessary to email mail me a FYI about his where abouts during Mayor Robb’s funeral.Found it even stranger that he goes on to say he had no email or cel phone conmnection from Thursday thru Sunday.To recap we made a post on a Facebook group “Deerfield Beach Politics”Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Deerfield-News.com made a post on Facebook a group page “Deerfield Beach Politics”after reading a few posts by other members.Mayor Ganz has sent me an email about my post so I am reposting my post and his email.

After reading some recent posts seems there are some not happy with Mayor Ganz not attending Mayor Robbs funeral,I was not aware until reading your posts.I write a small newsblog www.deerfield-news.com
Always looking for new readers and it is a blog so comments and other opinions are welcomed.Here is how we covered Mayor Robbs passing.

Mr. Levy,

It has been brought to my attention that you posted something on a site regarding my absence at Mayor Robb’s service.

For your information, I was out of town on a pre-planned trip from Thursday night through Sunday. I was without both phone and Internet service from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning. My absence was not out of disrespect but due to a previous commitment.

Bill Ganz
Mayor of Deerfield Beach

Sent from my iPhone

We then requested all telefonic and electronic records of the mayor for the dates in questiion.
Request for any electronic and or telefonic records of Mayor Ganz 6-22-25-17]

(Add as Preferred Sender)
Date: Sat, Jul 01, 2017 12:46 pm
To: “Heather Montemayor”
Cc: “Rebecca Medina”

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Request for any electronic and or telefonic records of Mayor
Ganz 6-22-25-17
Date: Sat, July 01, 2017 9:34 am
To: “Heather Montemayor”
Cc: “Rebecca Medina”

Hello Rebecca and Heather,
Please forward us any public records pertaining to Mayor Ganz electronic and or telefonic communications from the afternoon of 6-22-2017-thru Sunday 6 -25-2017.
Howie Levy

As we await the requested FOIA documents we can all guess as to what will be produced?