Home City Of Deerfield Beach Deerfield Beach Hillsboro Boulevard Improvement Project

Deerfield Beach Hillsboro Boulevard Improvement Project


Deerfield-News.com Deerfield Beach,Fl-Below from Florida DOT is the Hillsboro Boulevard improvement project.

Hillsboro Boulevard Improvements Project in Deerfield Beach

Financial Number: 430602-1-52-01

Project Length:2.32 miles

Project Limits: Hillsboro Boulevard from Military Trail to US 1 in Deerfield Beach

Start Date: January 3, 2017

Completion Date: Early 2018

Contractor: General Asphalt Co.

Estimated Construction Cost: $9.4 million

Scope of Work
The improvements under this project consist of improving the off-ramp from northbound I-95 to eastbound Hillsboro Boulevard including adding a new signalized intersection and adding second lane to increase capacity, relocating and upgrading drainage structures, upgrading crosswalk ramps to meet ADA requirements, constructing new stamped asphalt crosswalks from east of Natura Boulevard to US 1, upgrading existing pedestrian signals to countdown timers, upgrading signalized intersections to mast arms, installing new decorative lighting, constructing new medians east of SE 2 Avenue, removing old asphalt and resurfacing the roadway, upgrading signs and pavement markings to reflect the new roadway configuration as follows: (1) Military Trail to Dixie Highway – Three 11-foot lanes in each direction (2) NE / SE 2 Avenue to US 1 – Two 11-foot lanes in each direction, and adding a bike lane or sharrows in each direction as follows: (1) Military Trail to NW/SW 2 Terrace – 4-foot bike lane (2) NW / SW 2 Terrace to NE / SE 2 Avenue – Sharrow symbols to designate that the outside travel lane will be shared with vehicles (3) NE / SE 2 Avenue to US 1 – 7-foot bike lane.

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