Home City Of Deerfield Beach Breaking News-More Chaos At City Hall-Deerfield Beach Assistant City Manager Resigns

Breaking News-More Chaos At City Hall-Deerfield Beach Assistant City Manager Resigns


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-In the ongoing “CHAOS” at Deerfield Beach city hall Assistant City Manager Kara Petty has resigned. This leaves Acting City Manager David Santucci.

The former city manager Burgess Hanson has resigned in disgrace and amidst the corruption of ill-gotten “COLA”  monies. Meantime while we hope the State of Florida is investigating Hanson’s actions as well as Mayor  Bill Ganz’s inaction and tacit approval of Hanson’s illegal actions. Ganz is the Mayor he knew about the missing money and allowed for a payback with interest plan instead of contacting law enforcement.