Home City Of Deerfield Beach Just In-Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz’s Friend Agent Provocateur And Anti Semite Chaz...

Just In-Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz’s Friend Agent Provocateur And Anti Semite Chaz Stevens Sticking His Nose In Hallandale’s Business


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Deerfield Beach’s Agent Provocateur and personal friend of Mayor Bill Ganz, Timmy “Chaz” Stevens is at it again. According to today’s Miami Herald Chaz Stevens whose, father is a Board Member of Deerfield Beach’s Firemans Pension Fund. Stevens who has gained attention over the years by suing the State of Florida the City of Deerfield Beach and Hallandale as well as others to place his “Satanic Cross” on public property as a protest. Stevens has had his “Satanic Crosses” in Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, and Tallahassee.

From – www.Forward.com-ERUVS are controversial even in Jewish communities. An eruv is a continuous piece of wire or string attached to different kinds of fence posts, which are often made of plastic piping. An eruv in a city or suburb might run along PVC pipes affixed to local utility poles; an eruv at a summer camp might be strung through short wooden posts. The Jerusalem eruv, which serves more than half a million ultra-Orthodox Jews, has its own 20-foot metal poles.

Read more: https://forward.com/news/388226/what-is-an-eruv/

Stevens a general pain in the ass loves to provoke fights about religion with the government. Stevens who is nothing more than a guy with a blog no one reads brags about his connections to the “Inside Loop” Mayor and other city of Deerfield Beach officials. Stevens has promised to place a” Big Dong” anywhere Hallandale allows for the hanging of the ERUV. You heard me right a “Big Dong”.

Chaz Stevens <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Wed, Jul 19, 2017 2:34 pm
To: news <[email protected]>
Cc: Web City Clerk <[email protected]>, Manager Burgess Hanson City <[email protected]>, Maurodis Andrew <[email protected]>, bill ganz <[email protected]>, [email protected], gloria battle <[email protected]>, Miller Commissioner Joe <[email protected]>, Anne Geggis <[email protected]>

It’s the name of a fucking website … They handle the processing of records.

Why don’t you stick to what you know best … selling newspaper to the older Jewish crowd.


Chaz Stevens
[email protected]

Chaz Stevens <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Sat, Jul 15, 2017 3:30 pm
To: [email protected]

I think I understand what you’re trying to accomplish … but you’re going about it all wrong.

You can get your info from Team Grassy … or you can be on the inside of the loop.

Do you want to know the allegations or the facts?

Chaz Stevens
[email protected]



