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While The City Of Deerfield Beach Violates Citizens Constitutional Right To Take a Picture- City Manager Is Living In Wellington Enjoying The Equestrian Life On Your Dime!


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-While city employees continue to infringe and violate citizens rights both to seek redress from their government and to Freedom of the Press, your city manager does not even live in our city. Deerfield Beach’s highest salaried employee Burgess Hanson does not live in Deerfield Beach. In fact, the city made it so he could live outside of the city limits. These are just facts. I have no idea why Mayor Ganz thinks he can threaten to have a citizen removed and it sounded like by force to me from a commission meeting for stating a fact.

Then there is my issue of being ordered to stop taking pictures while inside of city hall.I have requested twice from the city of Deerfield Beach since yesterdays incident the ordinance we have that would violate my constitutional rights and they so far have replied to say they are in receipt of my email. (Below are the emails)

The issue with the city manager is he has never had a proper job review. Mayor Ganz thinks his shenanigans above on the other video is a sufficient job review, well it is not.The citizens of Deerfield Beach deserve that a proper job review is done on the city manager yearly.This man will retire a multi-millionaire at the expense of Deerfield Beach taxpayers, maybe it is in our cities interest to revert back to the city manager must live in the city. That way they have some skin in the game and what they do will affect them too. That said Mr. Burgess Hanson lives in Wellington and TS if you do not like that Mayor Ganz.

  [FWD: Ordinance Prohibiting taking of Pictures in City Hall Lobby] ([email protected]) 02/06/2018 1:35 pm  [FWD: Ordinance Prohibiting taking of Pictures in City Hall Lobby] ([email protected]) 02/07/2018 9:56 am  RE: [FWD: Ordinance Prohibiting taking of Pictures in City Hall Lobby]

  RE: [FWD: Ordinance Prohibiting taking of Pictures in City Hall Lobby]
Heather Montemayor <[email protected]> (Remove Preferred Sender)
Date: Wed, Feb 07, 2018 1:44 pm
To: [email protected]” <[email protected]>
Cc: Samantha Gillyard <[email protected]>, Bill Ganz <[email protected]>


We are in receipt of the below and will notify you accordingly.


Thank you,




Heather Montemayor

Assistant City Clerk

City of Deerfield Beach

150 NE 2nd Avenue

Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

P: 954.480.4213

F: 954.480.4323


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 7, 2018 11:55 AM
To: Heather Montemayor <[email protected]></[email protected]>
Cc: Samantha Gillyard <[email protected]>; Bill Ganz </[email protected]>field-beach.com>
Subject: [FWD: Ordinance Prohibiting taking of Pictures in City Hall Lobby]


Hello Heather,

This is a serious  matter regarding the request of the ordinance that pertains to a citizen not having the right to take pictures in the public lobby of city hall and deserves a response.If you can not answer please forward to Andy Maurodis , but I expect an answer.



Deerfield -News.com

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Ordinance Prohibiting taking of Pictures in City Hall Lobby
From: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, February 06, 2018 1:33 pm
To: “Heather Montemayor” <[email protected]>
Cc: “Samantha Gillyard” <[email protected]>

Hello Heather,

Today while picking up PRR 6351 I was told by receptionist I may not take pictures in the public lobby of city hall.Aside from that being Unconstitutional,I ask under which city ordinance this city employee was giving me an order about that prohibits the taking of pictures in the lobby of city hall?


