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Boca Watch Story on Mayor Haynie Might As Well Be Of Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz Well The Lying Part And Not Wanting To Be A County Commissioner Anyway


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-We saw the following posted by Bocawatch.org and thought just substitute Ganz for Haynie it’s basically the same crap up in Boca.



We Really Did Know….The ‘True’ Susan Haynie Finally Outed

As was said time and time and time again during the mayoral campaign-especially at the 6500 Congress Ave. city sponsored debate, then candidate Susan Haynie denied that she would leave office prior to the end of a full three year term….Oh well…Less true words have never been spoken!!!

For some time now, the ‘worst kept secret in Boca Raton was that Susan Haynie unequivocally intended to run for the District 4 County Commission seat being vacated by former Boca Mayor Steven Abrams.  Political insiders knew this for a long time….The public, however, was deceived!!!

Yesterday Mayor Haynie proved what had been known for a long time.  Yesterday, after a mere seven (7) months into this thirty six (36) month term, the Mayor announced her intent to leave office in Boca Raton and seek office at the county commission…

She will not complete her term, hence breaking her promise….she lied!!!!

The good news is that this untrustworthy deceitful politician will soon be out of office in Boca Raton.  The next question to ponder is who will take her place? The unknown can be unsettling but fear not, you, the resident, will have the opportunity to make that choice….

From here, the replacement path is clear…. Haynie now files her notice of intent to run for the county seat.  The State’s ‘resign to run’ law will require her to actually leave the Mayor’s seat no later than the first day of the office she seeks, win or lose.

The County Commission race culminates in November 2018.  Registered voters in Boca Raton will have the opportunity to vote in that contest.  Following her vacating the Mayor’s seat, the City Charter  requires a special election to replace the Mayor shortly after her resignation becomes effective.

In an effort to show how unworthy Mayor Haynie’s word is, please view the attached video and judge for yourself…..Also see the Palm Beach Post article reprinted in the news article section of BocaWatch.



For sure Mayor Ganz you have no inteerst in being a Broward County Commissioner? Right?

I think most of those who are paying attention in Deerfield Beach see where there might be some similarities.