Home Uncategorized Three Romantic Places to Go in Deerfield Beach this Valentines Day

Three Romantic Places to Go in Deerfield Beach this Valentines Day

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Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Deerfield Beach that is the first place to take your Valentine.Deerfield residents and tourists alike can stroll on our famous International Fishing Pier that jetts out into the Atlantic Ocean.You can wake up early and watch the Sunrise on the beach.

For later in the day just bring a blanket or chair and take your Valentine onto the beach for a romantic gaze at the Moon, stars and ocean.Within walking distance you have some of Deerfield Beaches best drinking and eating establishments as well as hotels all open late on the weekend.

Another of the most romantic places to take your Valentine.The Cove Shopping center on Hillsboro Blvd and  Intracoastal.The Cove is full of nice shops, jewelry stores and restaurants and bars.From pizza to french to casual american and all things in between,including” The Cove Restaurant and Bar” on the Intracoastal.

Another romantic place in Deerfield Beach is Quiet Waters Park. A nice stroll around the lake, thru the park or even a bike ride around the park,”Ski Rixen” for water skiers or this weekend ” THE RENFEST”. OK maybe not so romantic The Ren-Fest, as we posted  about earlier is also this weekend thru March 16. For those of us Deerfield Beach residents old enough to remember prior to being Quiet Waters Park this was” The Rockpits”.

Happy Valentines Day!!!