Home City Of Deerfield Beach Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz and Activist Patrick Jolivet-Mayor Calls Out Another Citizen...

Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz and Activist Patrick Jolivet-Mayor Calls Out Another Citizen By Name



Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl- First Deerfield-News.com wishes to clarify our position is about the condition of Deerfield Beach’s water treatment plant.

We are not trying to instill panic in anyone, only bring out the truth as to the water treatment plant and its severe deficiencies. The fact is that we were not in compliance from 2014 until March of 2017.

The pictures which have raised the questions and have brought forward a lot of concerned citizens working together to try to get to the truth.

These photos were sent to us Deerfield-News.com, not to Mr. Jolivet.

Folks the pictures of our water treatment plant speak for themselves.


Now For Ganz V Joliviet-From Deerfield Beach Politics


Ganz vs. Jolivet? The Interview

Ganz vs. Jolivet? The Interview

Yesterday’s Commission meeting, we saw Mayor Bill Ganz lash out at yet another private resident (or should we say past resident).  Mayor Ganz showed his anger at a Mr. Patrick Jolivet stating that “Jolivet does not even live in Deerfield Beach, he lives in Plantation”.

Well we decided to find out who Mr. Patrick Jolivet is and why was he so interested in Deerfield Beach?  We first started by tracking him down online.  Apparently, Mr. Jolivet was a resident of Deerfield Beach from 2005 to 2016.  We then compared Mr. Patrick Jolivet taxes to Mayor Ganz to see who invested more money in taxes to our community.  Find below the shocking details.


Well it looks like in a 13 year span, Mr. Jolivet spent 4.25 times MORE than Bill Ganz in property taxes that support our city.

When then began to look into public records to see what Mr. Jolivet was saying to public officials.  What we found was again SHOCKING!!  Records show that Mr. Jolivet communications to city commissioners and Mayor pertained to the state of our City Deerfield Beach.  Early back in 2006/2007, Mr. Jolivet was outlining economics solutions to improve the City.  He also wrote about how the city needs to work on improving Deerfield Beach City Schools, infrastructure, development, and Code Enforcement.

Records showed later communications from 2014-2016 took a much harsher tone with the Commission.  Chastising them on ordinances that were being approved that set the future of Deerfield Beach at risk.  In 2017, Mr. Jolivet was featured on Channel 10 news for helping to expose the awful “optics” of cronyism that existed between past Mayor Peggy Noland, Bill Ganz, and Peggy Nolands daughter.

We reached out to Mr. Jolivet for an interview.  He said he “would only answer one question, so make it good one”.  Our question was “Why did you leave Deerfield Beach?”  Once again, his answer not only shocked us, it actually FLOORED us.  Mr. Jolivet explained that after many personal conversations directly with Bill Ganz, he soon realized that Bill Ganz was NOT looking to help the City, even though Bill Ganz always announces his only reason in government is to help, but instead Ganz just wanted to feed his ego and political career.  The hypocrisy of Bill Ganz showed in many ways.  One example Jolivet gave was how Bill Ganz refused to give up his Healthcare for life (paid for by the taxpayers of Deerfield Beach), even though he criticized other past commissioners for having it.

But Mr. Jolivet’s most potent statement was when he explained that when he dropped his political support for Bill Ganz after finding out the “TRUE” Bill Ganz, and then when a major issue came in front of the city and Mr. Jolivet openly criticized Bill Ganz’ poor policy, Mr. Jolivet stated Bill Ganz had a police officer send him an email to intimidate him.   At this point, Mr. Jolivet said he saw the writing on the wall.  Mr Jolivet stated “I love Deerfield Beach, I have many friends and neighbors that live in Deerfield Beach, its unfortunate that Bill Ganz and his crony’s are systemically destroying the city and residents are NOT getting involved”

So in conclusion, it seems that Bill Ganz does not like Mr. Patrick Jolivet, not just because Mr. Jolivet financially invested more into the City than Bill Ganz’ entire life living in Deerfield Beach, and not just because Mr. Jolivet exposes the ugly underbelly of the “good ole’ boy” system in Deerfield Beach but because Mr. Jolivet is a thorn in Bill Ganz’ political agenda to build his own ego and use taxpayer money to live off.

We guess therefore Mayor Bill Ganz finds it necessary to insult private taxpayers when they openly disagree with his politics or expose the truth.