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Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz Answers Questions,Deerfield-News.com Calls Him Out For Telling Lie About Not Attending Mayor Robb’s Funeral


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-

Mr. Levy,


  1. What were these Public Hearings  about?


There was only one meeting, it was held September 13th at 9:30AM in the City Commission Chamber.


  • We also had an added addendum: Extension of the State of Emergency


  1. How or where were they held? What were these meetings about?,what special ordinance or statute gives the city the right to hold when the city is closed


As I stated, it was held in the City Chambers, just like they always have been. See answer above for what they were about.  The meeting was properly advertised, the Commission Chambers were open and the public attended.


  1. Who paricipated in them,elected officials,city employees ,members of the media,residents?


The City Commission, staff and anyone from the public who wished to be there. We do not have a sign-in requirement for the public attendance. But members of the public did attend. Any action taken by the City Commission requires the public to be heard on the particular item. Members of the press were in attendance.


  1. What is going on with the hotel at the cove? Is it going to be bulit as agreed? 

Is it going to built? When will contruction begin if it is being built? 


This is a private project; this question should be addressed to the developer. I do not have any updates.


  1. Is the city or BSO or BSO Fire Rescue or some other organization done anything to verify our seniors are not stuck in their homes without power,A/C and water?” 


Yes. We have a proactive function in the City emergency operations that cover elderly and special needs individuals after a major event such as a hurricane. Depending on the needs, issues are conveyed to Broward County or to other agencies (FPL) or the City takes appropriate action.


You also asked, why all of a sudden I am getting all public record requests on DVD as opposed to e-mail ? I do not know, you should ask that question to the City Clerk.


I have read one of your headlines stating “Mayor Ganz Insinuates Deerfield-News.com Threatens to Sue the City”. I didn’t insinuate that, you did. I flat out asked you if that was what you were suggesting. And I am stunned that you would post an email that you conveniently edited and state that it was “redacted”. It was selectively cut and pasted by you. Redacted means “to censor (part of a text) for legal or security purposes”. What legal or security purposes exist that you feel required you to edit our email exchange? You do realize that it is public record. I can only guess on what your reasons were, but in my mind, it doesn’t reflect well on you.


And that is another thing, there isn’t a FOIA request for us, it’s called a public records request.  And that is what you are entitled to. Most reporters will attend meetings and speak directly to us, almost all will call me to discuss an issue. You have never done either.


And you should keep this in mind, any elected official can speak to one media outlet over another if they so choose. We can answer or ignore any media request if we choose to. Mayor Robb was very “selective” with that. I can write a column every day of the week for the Daily Bugle if I want to, that doesn’t mean I have to write one for any other newspaper, nor does it require me to send the article to you unless you request a copy of it through a public records request. Then you have a right to it.


You stated “Favoring one publication over another is not legal and violates the US constitution as well as the State of Florida’s”. I believe you are mistaken.


You also seem to take offense with a quote to Betsy Roberts in the Sun Sentinel from Commissioner Drosky, suggesting it wasn’t equal treatment because your questions weren’t answered yet. For the record, Ms. Roberts attended the meeting. I’m sure that is where she obtained her quote. If you had attended the meeting, your questions probably would have been answered. I suggest you do what she did. Also, how is a public meeting that was advertised, open to the public, attended by the public and press, a “secret meeting”?


I have tried to be cooperative with you. I have been polite. I have tried to communicate with you. I let you know that I was very busy with higher priority items, but that I had every intention to answer your questions. You have chosen an odd approach to build a working relationship, one that I do not understand.

Your answer about being pro active

We have a proactive function in the City emergency operations that cover elderly and special needs individuals after a major event such as a hurricane. Depending on the needs, issues are conveyed to Broward County or to other agencies (FPL) or the City takes appropriate action.

You know I was contacted just two days ago about locating as senior in Grantham in Century Village,was not an easy process for the daughter who was trying to find her dad.I personally went to check on this man,who BSO informed me later was located.Rest assured Mayor if any of our seniors are found dead in their homes in the next few days I will be holding you reponsible as our proactive function isa BS answer.I do not believe you for a second that all of our seniors have been checked up on.



Best of luck,



Bill Ganz

Mayor, Deerfield Beach


Nothing I marked as redacted was esculpatory toward you or anything of importance.Again Mayor the only notice I saw was on Google News with a broken link after the meeting was held.All of your communications on Facebook,Twitter where was the announcement I missed? We were under a state of emergency.I never saw any notice other than on Google News.How was all of the other press notified?

Mayor not being honest and emailing me about something I never asked. Not being available to be reached by any form of communication for Mayor Robb’s funeral does not reflect well on you. Do you do not think for one minute the people of Deerfield Beach,believe what you what you wrote me.Maybe you have watched one too many Seinfeld episodes and like George Castanza ” If you believe it is true it is not a lie.”

I sir believe you flat out lied and would have been better served just to say you did not want to attend Mayor Robb’s funeral.

Also odd how your quote about FOIA requests seems to match that of an email I received from Timothy “Chaz” Stevens.Have to believe he is  a friend or consultant as his Anti Jewish statements which I will publish now would not reflect well on you, he certainly infers he is on the inside.I also know his father is on our board of trustees of the Firemans pension board.That and your comment and his being almost identical must be another coincidence.I think you should condemn the statements written by your friend Mr.Stevens they are not funny your use of him as a “Pit Bull” does not worry or intimidate me.

Your answer to  question number four-This is a private project; this question should be addressed to the developer. I do not have any updates.

Come on Mayor do you really believe “we the people” are that stupid you have no update,that too sir is a lie.This deal has cost the taxpayers of Deerfield Beach Millions of dollars more to come in my next post.

Notice you take your shots at me I can deal with you.I  have never talked to you are correct on that.I also have never talked to any city official or written to you or any city official and sent emails like the the ones below. Your apparent buddy Chaz,I mean Timmy Stevens does with his nonsense and vulgarities and Anti Semitic comments.

Mayor I also have several pending public records requests particularly on what is the city of Deerfield Beach’s recall process for elected officials ,can you speed that one up.

Timothy Stevens Emails.

Chaz Stevens <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Mon, Sep 04, 2017 10:57 am
To: news <[email protected]>, “Wright Thomas H.” <[email protected]>
Cc: Anne Geggis <[email protected]>, Rebecca Medina <[email protected]>, bill ganz <[email protected]>, Manager Burgess Hanson City <[email protected]>, gloria battle <[email protected]>, Miller Commissioner Joe <[email protected]>, [email protected]

That’s it? Really … Shit man … that’s funny.

I did Nazi see that coming.
Just be careful … all I ask … careful what you post … there are certain records that contain defamatory statements …

My lawyer will follow up tomorrow with a letter, indicating just that, putting you on notice.

Chaz Stevens
[email protected]

  Listen numbnuts.
Chaz Stevens <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Wed, Jul 19, 2017 8:43 am
To: news <[email protected]>
Cc: Web City Clerk <[email protected]>, Manager Burgess Hanson City <[email protected]>, Maurodis Andrew <[email protected]>, bill ganz <[email protected]>, Miller Commissioner Joe <[email protected]>, [email protected], gloria battle <[email protected]>, Anne Geggis <[email protected]>


Regarding your request for public information … It’s not a FOIA, as the Freedom of Information Act is a Federal disclosure law.

If you’re going to pretend to be a journalist, at least do a modicum of fucking homework. Record law in Florida is covered under FS 119.


Chaz Stevens <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Sat, Jul 15, 2017 3:30 pm
To: [email protected]

I think I understand what you’re trying to accomplish … but you’re going about it all wrong.

You can get your info from Team Grassy … or you can be on the inside of the loop.

Do you want to know the allegations or the facts?

Chaz Stevens
[email protected]


Chaz Stevens <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Wed, Jul 19, 2017 2:34 pm
To: news <[email protected]>
Cc: Web City Clerk <[email protected]>, Manager Burgess Hanson City <[email protected]>, Maurodis Andrew <[email protected]>, bill ganz <[email protected]>, [email protected], gloria battle <[email protected]>, Miller Commissioner Joe <[email protected]>, Anne Geggis <[email protected]>

It’s the name of a fucking website … They handle the processing of records.

Why don’t you stick to what you know best … selling newspaper to the older Jewish crowd.


Chaz Stevens
[email protected]