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Deerfield Beach Synogogue security like it should be if it was pre 9-11



Deerfield-News.com Deerfield Beach,Fl-Deerfield Beach Temple Young Israel one of three Temples in Deerfield Beach shopping center Century Plaza on West Hillsboro,but probably the most attended is wide open as a House of Worship should be,that was before in a PRE 9-11 world and even less safe today as a result of what we believe to be a lack of SECURITY.
This month Sheriff Scott Israel has a message about House of Worship safety we posted it yesterday.
Yesterday just to see if there is/was any security at Young Israel we found the Fenced in parking lot wide open no guard no anything…. entered parking lot walked around and took pictures and it appears we were unnoticed.We were approached by no one.
I know from when my daughters were little and attended Bnai Israel pre school in Boca Raton they took and take security seriously and put their money where their mouth is with both Boca Raton Police Special Details as well as their owned armed security guards..We all wish there would be no need for guards and Police ,but we live in a different world today.
This month with The High Holidays Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur along with Anniversary of 9-11 coming are Deerfield Beach Temples safe?????
Deerfield-News.com will be reporting on this all month.
Should Young Israel wish to contact us we will gladly publish what they have to say.Meantime w are going to continue to see how the other temples security appears.As the Sheriff suggests “IF YOU SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING” the public can save lives .Be Alert, Be Prepared!