Home City Of Deerfield Beach Deerfield Beach works to Maintain High-Quality Water- Pepperidge Farm Remembers Deerfield Beach...

Deerfield Beach works to Maintain High-Quality Water- Pepperidge Farm Remembers Deerfield Beach Water Treatment Plant Had Issues In The Past-


Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Those that follow Deerfield-News.com know this is a pet project of ours. Keeping the city of Deerfield Beach honest on our water quality. Those that have read Deerfield-News.com from the beginning know that some years back we discovered the horrible shape of our water treatment plant and that we had failed many of the state Of Florida Department of Health tests.


The Department of health in a public record request sent us pictures of the bad condition of our plant, by accident. The state of Florida Department of Health asked us not to publish those pictures. Once again today we are going to publish them.

That said the city of Deerfield Beach has made major improvements to our water treatment plant since then and they did share with us some pictures of the improvements after they were made. As well we still request from time to time the test results of the cities water from the Florida Department of Health.

This announcement is from the city of Deerfield Beach’s website-

Deerfield Beach works to Maintain High-Quality Water


As part of our efforts to ensure that the drinking water we supply is of the highest quality possible, the City of Deerfield Beach Environmental Services Department will begin its annual free chlorination treatment of the water distribution system on September 8, 2022. This is a three-week process that will end on September 30, 2022.

This switch to free chlorination treatment is a common practice for water systems using chloramines as a disinfectant. During the free chlorination, residents may notice a slight change in the taste, odor, and color of the tap water. The water will remain safe for drinking, cooking, bathing, and any other household use. During this period, our utility crews will also be flushing fire hydrants throughout the City. This may cause temporary water discoloration in the respective area. If this happens, please run the water from your faucets until the water clears.

Residents undergoing dialysis or who have a compromised immune system and are currently undergoing treatment should seek advice from their primary physician to determine if their treatment needs to be adjusted during this free chlorination period. Also, grocery stores, pet stores, bait stores, restaurants, and residents who have aquariums and fish or lobster tanks that use city water must adjust the chlorine treatment procedure during the free chlorination period.

For additional information on this change in the water treatment process, please contact the Water Plant at 954-480-4370.  


Pictures were sent to Deerfield-News.com by the Florida Department of Health, which they then asked we not publish.