Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Our Take-Trump Separating Families Not Democrats-Republicans Must Call A Lie A Lie...

Our Take-Trump Separating Families Not Democrats-Republicans Must Call A Lie A Lie The Time Has Come


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-America does not rip children from their families. Then when we do it blame the other political party. President Trump solely and single handily has implemented the program and ordered ICE to have zero tolerance and he is blaming Democrats.  The lie that they are just enforcing the law and Democrats can stop it is nonsense. President Trump is using a non-existent fact, a lie to base his administrations’ new policy on Democrats. Time Republican lawmakers get some balls and tell the President enough. Attorney General Sessions need not be quoting the Bible, he needs, to tell the truth, this policy can be stopped by Trump officials just as it was started by them. Lies are lies, the truth is the truth there is no such thing as alternative facts. America does not rip children from their parents. Those who chose to come here and seek asylum are following the rules, the rules do not call for ripping babies from their mothers, shame on the US for doing this.