Home Business OUR TAKE-Deerfield Beach Needs To Change City Elections To National Election Day

OUR TAKE-Deerfield Beach Needs To Change City Elections To National Election Day


Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach, With city elections being held, March 11 we thought this post was appropriate for today once again. As the candidates from District 3 have been knocking on doors throughout Century Village, I thought I would once again post my biggest beef with our city holding elections in March….

Voting in March is voter suppression, both Democrats and Republicans in Deerfield Beach should hang their heads in shame. Why do we vote in March and not on election day for city officials? While most Democrats will be quick to blame Republicans for wanting to make it as difficult as possible to vote by mail, especially after this past election day. The truth is locally both parties are to blame for voting in March, it is voter suppression. Voting in March is just stupid; certainly, the turnout and numbers of voters prove that.

For Americans to not vote on national election day for local officials runs contrary to everything the term get out the vote means. That is a fact Deerfield Beach citizens need to change and change it now.  No city official should be elected with five or six hundred votes in a city of over 80,000 people. Our elected officials control a budget of hundreds of millions of dollars a year and make decisions that affect our lives. Certainly, city officials should want the highest number of voters to vote in an election, not the least number of voters.


Source Wikipedia-Election Day in the United States is the annual day for general elections of federal, state and local public officials. With respect to federal elections, it is statutorily set by the U.S. government as “the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November”[1] of even-numbered years (i.e., the Tuesday that occurs within November 2 to November 8).



From Deerfield-Beach.com Quarterly Reports for candidates-