Home Business Dirty in Deerfield-Supermarket Inspection Reports Sprouts Passes But With Citations

Dirty in Deerfield-Supermarket Inspection Reports Sprouts Passes But With Citations


Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Recent inspection of Sprouts Farmer’s Market on Federal Hwy in Deerfield Beach.

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Division of Food Safety
Chapter 500, Florida Statutes
(850) 245-5520
Visit #: 9999-7182-2191-74
Bureau of Food Inspection
Attention: Business Center
3125 Conner Boulevard, C-26
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650
Name: Sprouts Farmers Market Establishment #: 388662
Owner: Sf Markets Llc (Sfm) Date of Visit: June 05, 2023
Type: Supermarket Inspected By:
Address: 930 S Federal Hwy Deerfield Beach, FL 33441-5754
INSPECTION SUMMARY – Met Inspection Requirements
Any violations observed during this inspection must be corrected to be in compliance with Chapter 500, Florida Statutes, and Rule
5K-4, Florida Administrative Code.
To review your account balance or to renew your permit, please visit our Food Permit Center at https://FoodPermit.FDACS.gov.
COS = Corrected on Site
P = Priority Citation
(Directly Associated with Foodborne Illnesses)
Pf = Priority Foundation Citation
(Supports or Leads to a Priority)
COS Violation
Number Citation Description and Observation
Citation Description: Handwashing sink or group of 2 adjacent handwashing sinks not provided with hand
cleaning liquid, powder, or bar soap. Handwashing sink or group of adjacent handwashing sinks not provided
with: individual, disposable towels; continuous towel system that supplies the user with a clean towel; a
heated-air hand drying device; or a device that employs an air-knife system that delivers high velocity,
pressurized air at ambient temperatures. 6-301.11 and 6-301.12 Pf
Observation: Meat department: No hand wash soap provided at hand wash sink adjacent to prep sink. COS:
Hand wash soap provided by pic.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
Citation Description: Handwashing sink not maintained so that it is accessible at all times for employee use or
is used for purposes other than handwashing, or an automatic handwashing facility not used in accordance with
manufacturer’s instructions. 5-205.11 Pf
Observation: Produce department: Trash can stored in front of hand wash sink adjacent to 3 compartment sink.
COS: Trash can removed by person in charge.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
Citation Description: Animal food that is raw, undercooked, or not otherwise processed to eliminate pathogens
is served or sold in a ready-to-eat form or as an ingredient in another ready-to-eat food without informing
consumers of the significantly increased risk of consuming such foods by way of a disclosure and reminder using
effective written means. 3-603.11(A) Pf
Observation: Seafood department: No consumer advisory posted for molluscan shellfish at point of sale. COS:
Consumer advisory posted by person in charge.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
COS Violation
Number Citation Description and Observation
Page 1 of 4
Print Date: 6/5/2023
Citation Description: Food not stored at least 6 inches above the floor; in a clean, dry location; or food stored
where it is exposed to splash, dust or other contamination. 3-305.11
Observation: Retail area: Cases of assorted chips and popcorns displayed on floor.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
37 o
Citation Description: Cloths in-use for wiping counters and other equipment surfaces not held between uses in
a chemical sanitizer solution at a proper concentration as specified in the Food Code. 3-304.14(B)(1)
Observation: Bakery department: In use wet wiping cloths stored on top of prep tables between uses.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
39 o
Citation Description: Nonfood-contact surface of equipment exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling or
that requires frequent cleaning not constructed of a corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material.
Observation: Backroom area: Raw wood food and beverage storage shelves.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
45 o
Citation Description: Nonfood-contact surfaces not free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices or not
designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance. 4-202.16
Observation: Deli department: Milk crates using as shelves in walk in cooler. Meat department: Milk crates
using as shelves in walk in cooler.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
45 o
Citation Description: Nonfood-contact surface of equipment has an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue or
other debris. 4-601.11(C)
Observation: Bakery department: Dried food particles build up underside of prep table. Deli processing area:
Dried food particles and grease build up underside of rotisserie chicken oven and metal table underneath the
oven. Seafood department: Dried food particles build up underside of prep table. Deli food service area: Dried
and loose food particles build up in cabinet shelves.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
47 o
Citation Description: Plumbing system not maintained in good repair. 5-205.15(B)
Observation: Backroom area: Heavy ice build up on condenser unit of grocery walk in freezer.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
49 o
Citation Description: Physical facilities not cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean, or cleaning not
done during periods when the least amount of food is exposed such as after closing. 6-501.12
Observation: Deli processing area: Air vents, ceiling and wall dusty.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
53 o
Citation Description: Maintenance tools such as brooms, mops, vacuum cleaners, and similar items not stored
so they do not contaminate food, equipment, utensils, linens, or single-service and single-use articles; or not
stored in an orderly manner that facilitates cleaning the area used for storing the maintenance tools. 6-501.113
Observation: Deli processing area: Broom and dust pan handles leaning against dry food storage shelf.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
53 o
Citation Description: Dressing rooms not used by employees who regularly change their clothes in the
establishment, or lockers or other suitable facilities not used for the orderly storage of employee clothing or other
possessions. 6-501.110
Observation: Deli processing area: Employee jackets stored on dry food storage shelf.
Initial if all stated observations have been corrected: __________
54 o
When citations have been corrected and initialed, an electronic copy of the completed report may be emailed to
[email protected].
Please note each observation that has been corrected.
The issues described in request 5098027 were addressed with the person in charge during this inspection.