Home City Of Deerfield Beach City Of Deerfield Beach Not Happy With Amendment Two

City Of Deerfield Beach Not Happy With Amendment Two



Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-From the city of Deerfield Beach.


Broward County has placed an item on the November 3, 2020 ballot that would give the County the power to supersede municipal zoning and regulatory authrority for projects on County property that are funded in whole or in part by transportation surtax funds, even when the project(s) will be within Cityboundaries. This essentially means that City ordinances will be overruled by County ordinances.  Cities have fought to protect their Home Rule rights. The residents of Deerfield Beach and every other municipality in Broward have a right to have their voices heard. Be informed and know what is on your ballot! The following language will be on the ballot:


“To facilitate implementation of surtax-funded improvements to the countywide transportation system, shall the Broward County Charter be amended to provide that County ordinances regulating the development, including zoning, permitting, construction, operation, or administration, of transportation improvement projects that are (1) on County-owned or County-leased property and (2) funded in whole or in part with proceeds from the transportation surtax approved by the County’s voters in 2018, prevail over conflicting Municipal ordinances?”

YES  ____________

NO    ____________

Educational materials are paid for by the City of Deerfield Beach.

Frequently Asked Questions – Uncover Broward County Amendment Two


  • What is Broward County Charter Amendment Two?

Recently, Broward County Commissioners voted to place the following ballot question on the November 3, 2020 ballot:



“To facilitate implementation of surtax-funded improvements to the countywide transportation system, shall the Broward County Charter be amended to provide that County ordinances regulating the development, including zoning, permitting, construction, operation, or administration, of transportation improvement projects that are (1) on County-owned or County-leased property and (2) funded in whole or in part with proceeds from the transportation surtax approved by the County’s voters in 2018, prevail over conflicting Municipal ordinances?”


YES _____________

NO _____________


FINANCIAL IMPACT STATEMENT: It is estimated that this amendment will have no financial impact to Broward County.


  • When was this ballot question decided on?

On August 20, 2020, the Board of County Commissioners by a 6-3 vote adopted Resolution 2020-361, which placed a proposed amendment to Section 11.01 of the County Charter on the ballot for voter consideration at the November 3, 2020 election.


  • What is Home Rule?

The power of a local town, city, or county to set up its own system of governance and pass local ordinances effective within its jurisdictional boundaries


  • Could the amendment impact the City of Deerfield Beach’s Home Rule?

This amendment has the potential to impact the City’s home rule authority by superseding its rules and regulations as it relates to zoning, permitting, construction, architectural and landscaping of certain County transportation improvement projects within City limits.


  • How will this impact municipalities?

Should this amendment pass, Broward County will have the authority to bypass local municipal zoning, permitting, and construction processes for certain transportation projects within municipal boundaries. While the county has said they will discuss plans with the impacted municipality, if they do not come to an agreement, the county will have the authority to move forward with the project without municipal approval.


  • Where will the improvement projects take place?

The County’s authority will prevail over the City of Deerfield Beach rules on County-owned or leased property located within the City of Deerfield Beach as well as future properties purchased or leased by the County for transportation purposes.


  • What is a Surtax?

A surtax is generally assessed to fund a specific government program, whereas regular income or sales taxes are used to fund a variety of programs. A surtax can be calculated as a percentage of a certain amount of it can be a flat dollar amount.


  • How are these projects being funded?

Expenses for transportation improvement projects will be funded with the thirty-year Regional Transportation System Sales Surtax (the “Transportation Surtax”) one percent surtax that was approved by voters in 2018.


  • What does “local zoning and land-use policy” in the City of Deerfield Beach entail?

In Broward County, while some aspects of growth management and land use are governed by State or County laws, municipal zoning and land development regulations provide the critical “fine-tuning” necessary to protect existing resources and neighborhoods from undue impacts and to ensure that new development is consistent with locally established goals and policies.   Resources that require special protection at the municipal level may include historic or cultural sites, recreation areas, open spaces, and wildlife habitats.  Municipal ordinances to protect or enhance specific local resources may include special architectural overlay districts and infrastructure requirements to maintain the integrity of scenic corridors and trail systems.   Local ordinances of this type typically require extensive public outreach efforts in order to achieve consensus on the policy goal and the funding necessary for implementation.


  • Why should this matter to me?

The City of Deerfield Beach has predefined zoning, construction, and permitting requirements to ensure that infrastructures are built and maintained according to the City of Deerfield Beach standards. The City of Deerfield Beach also ensures its residents have input in the process through community meetings, etc.