Home City Of Deerfield Beach Happy Birthday Deerfield-News.com Our Fifth Anniversary-You Have Asked We Are Responding Local...

Happy Birthday Deerfield-News.com Our Fifth Anniversary-You Have Asked We Are Responding Local Banner Advertising To Start November


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl -As we celebrate our fifth year we are responding to several local businesses that have inquired about running ads on Deerfield-News.com. We have made the decision to continue to be fully supported only by advertisers and not install a paywall which many publications have done. Most large print media charge for their online stories after you have read three, four or five in a month. We understand since the inception of Google and Google News and Facebook many large publishers of print media have been forced to charge for online news in order to stay in business. Our Hyper-Local Newsblog has always been supported by us and ads only and will stay that way. Now is your opportunity to grow your business with our growing readership both on Facebook and on Deerfield-News.com’s website. Want to see the power of a Google top-ranked website for Deerfield Beach News and Deerfield News “Google” those search terms see what news organizations rank on page one. For more information about a Banner ad or a Footer, ad contact us at [email protected].