Home City Of Deerfield Beach Deerfield-News.com Endorses Dan Herz For Commissioner In District One

Deerfield-News.com Endorses Dan Herz For Commissioner In District One


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Deerfield Beach residents deserve the best in our city government and for that reason, we are endorsing Dan Herz, for District One City Commissioner. Deerfield Beach needs a businessman that can read and understand financial statements. Deerfield Beach needs a Commissioner that understands the problems and issues facing our community, Dan is that man!

Deerfield Beach needs and deserves a commissioner who will fight and represent his constituents and not just vote in lockstep with the other commissioners. For those who attend or watch on video, Deerfield Beach city commission meetings, you have seen Mr. Herz in action as a citizen, speaking up and seeking redress from his government. This is exactly why he will be an excellent Commissioner for District One and Deerfield Beach. The other candidate offers more of the same and is exactly what this city does not need at this time.

Here is the link to Dan’s website-Citizens Always Come First
