Home City Of Deerfield Beach When And Why Did Deerfield Beach Decide To Not Vote On Election...

When And Why Did Deerfield Beach Decide To Not Vote On Election Day For Mayor And Commissioners City Cites Statute


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-When and why did the City of Deerfield Beach change voting from Election Day?  Deerfield-News.com has questioned this without anyone being able to answer, we have seen residents this past commission meeting also ask the question. Aside from any additional cost factor, getting the maximum amount of voters to vote should be paramount. By eliminating our city officials from “Election Day” voting and having a “Special Election” we have smaller turnouts and fewer voters voting for our city officials. Common sense dictates the greatest voter turnout will be when all voters are voting on “Election Day” as opposed to some day in March that no one can or wants to explain why are we voting on this day? To not return Deerfield Beach elections of city officials to “Election Day” is tantamount to voter suppression.

From Merriam-Webster.com-

Election Day


Definition of Election Day 

a day legally established for the election of public officials especially: the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in an even year designated for national elections in the U.S. and observed as a legal holiday in many states

We have requested through public records request whatever documents our city has showing when and why we have special elections in Deerfield Beach and do not vote for city Mayor and Commissioners on “Election Day”.

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2018 6:15 AM
To: Heather Montemayor <[email protected]></[email protected]>
Subject: Public records request

Hello Heather,

Please provide any and all documents making Deerfield Beach city elections on another day other than Election Day. As defined here-

Election Day


Definition of Election Day 

: a day legally established for the election of public officials especially: the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in an even year designated for national elections in the U.S. and observed as a legal holiday in many states




Deerfield Beaches response to our email Public Records Request-

This is their answer as to WHY?

The City does not have National Elections. The day that is selected is based on the laws of Florida (LOF 2005-318, Section 3).

BILL #: HB 867 Broward County
1) Community & Military Affairs Subcommittee 15 Y, 0 N Tait Hoagland
2) Government Operations Subcommittee 11 Y, 0 N Thompson Williamson
3) Economic Affairs Committee
Chapter 75-350, L.O.F., governs municipal elections in Broward County. Chapter 75-350, L.O.F., was last
amended in 2005 by ch. 2005-318, L.O.F, to change provisions relating to elections dates and qualification
This bill changes the November elections filing period previously amended in ch. 2005-318, L.O.F. The new
filing period will conform to those established in s. 99.061(2), F.S. Based on Florida Statutes, the new filing
period for November municipal elections in Broward County will be anytime after noon on the 71st day prior to
the primary election date to no later than noon of the 67th day prior to the primary election date.
The bill does not make any changes to the elections filing period for municipal elections occurring in March.
The bill also makes scrivener changes to ch. 75-350, L.O.F.
The bill does not appear to have a fiscal impact on state government. The Economic Impact Statement
indicates the bill will reduce local government expenses.
The bill takes effect upon becoming a law.
