Home City Of Deerfield Beach Century Village Information-Golf Course-Gate House

Century Village Information-Golf Course-Gate House



Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Information from CVEDB.com




Major First Step Taken in Golf Course Transformation

A tentative deal has been struck in the effort to acquire the golf course and transform it into a park.

Master Management and home builder Toll Brothers have a preliminary agreement. It calls for Master Management to acquire most of the course for at little or no expense. (Toll keeps the portion along Military Trail behind Upminster and Richmond.) Toll will pay to clean up any left-over chemicals allowing Master Management to move forward with plans to design and build a park to be used for walking paths, biking, picnics, etc.

There is a sixty day due diligence period before the agreement is final. Among the more important issues is ensuring Toll cleans up the course to the level required to safely build a park.

For more information on the golf course, read the Q&A below.
Other CVE News
Get Free Bar Code or Lose Your ID

Two Month Grace Period Begins October 1

This season there will be stricter enforcement of the rule requiring bar codes in the bar code lanes. But the good news is Master Management has decided to waive the fees to get the bar codes.

Beginning this season drivers who enter the bar code lane without a bar code and then wave their CVE ID to the guards will have their CVE ID taken by the guards. They can later pick up their ID at the ID Office in the Clubhouse.
In order to encourage all residents to get bar codes, Master Management is no longer charging a fee for the stickers. The bar code stickers are available at the Master Management office on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

The stricter enforcement is to increase property security as well as traffic flow at the gates.

A two month grace period will be in effect from October 1 through November 30. During the grace period, residents who waive their ID in the bar code lane will be given a reminder of the new rule, but will not have their ID taken.

If you are driving a vehicle without a bar code (such as a rental car), you should use the visitor lanes and show your ID to gain access.
Broward Sheriff Now Patrols in the Village
In response to calls for increased Village safety, Master Management has reached an agreement with the Broward Sheriff’s Office to patrol on the property.

Deputies will be cracking down on speeding, running stop signs, and other traffic-related problems. They will be issuing real tickets with real fines and real points on your license. The new patrols follow millions of dollars in road and sign upgrades by Master Management that were necessary before BSO could legally issue tickets on the property.

Century Village’s Poor Recycling Habits Need To Improve

Century Village Recycling Tips
The City of Deerfield Beach has told CVE that if it doesn’t improve recycling habits, CVE could be charged more for service.

The two most common mistakes involve pizza boxes and supermarket plastic bags. You NEVER recycle pizza boxes, and you NEVER recycle plastic bags. You also should not toss your good recycling in plastic bags.

Master Management has put together a short video with the recycling tips you need to remember.


Golf Course Acquisition
Q & A
Answers to the most common questions surrounding the acquisition of the course.
Does this involve the entire golf course?

No. The entire course is owned by a third party. They are selling the entire course to Toll Brothers. Toll Brothers plans to build on the portion of the course along Military Trail.

Toll will provide the remaining portions to Master Management at little to no cost.
I heard there are all sorts of chemicals on the course. Will those be cleaned up?

Yes. Part of the deal is for Toll Brothers to clean up the course. But part of ongoing negotiations involves how much clean up Toll will do. We are demanding that Toll clean it up enough, so it can be used as a park for our residents.
Will the course eventually be reopened as a golf course for residents?

No. The plan is to use the land to create a park for walking, biking, and other similar uses. It would not include golf, tennis courts, pools, or a new recreation center.
How much is this entire deal costing me?

Right now, Master Management believes it can acquire the course and cover any associated costs with existing funds. There are no plans to pass costs to residents. Under the tentative agreement, Master Management is getting the course at little to no cost.
Will I have input into how the area is designed?

Yes. The company that will eventually design the park will hold several public meetings and solicit resident input many times.
What is Toll Brothers building?

Toll Brothers’ current plans are for two-story single-family town homes. They will be separate from CVE and not have access to CVE.
What is the timing for all this?

The first step is to finalize the preliminary deal to acquire and clean the course. The due diligence period ends at the end of October.

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