Beach, Fl-The city of Deerfield Beach announced the other day Busta Rhymes will be hosting the city-sponsored music festival on August 18th. Here is their official Facebook announcement.
JUST ANNOUNCED!! Busta Rhymes is headlining The Big Buck. Get your free tickets now! For more info visit —> #TheBigBuck #LoveDFB #DFB #hiphop . is happy the city can afford to sponsor along with Coca-Cola, Ruth Chris Steak House the Big Buck Music Fest, just curious how many “Bucks” is the city of Deerfield Beach spending? The reason for asking appeared in the Sun-Sentinel when Deerfield Beach’s Rebecca median Stewart said:” estimated that the sponsors are paying about $175,000 — more than the city’s contribution — to put on the event”. So here is our latest Public Records request which I must send to the city clerk as the city has instituted a policy of allowing no communication from Ms. Medina with
Hello Heather,
This post from” Rebecca Medina Stewart estimated that the sponsors are paying about $175,000 — more than the city’s contribution — to put on the event”in the Sun – Sentinel, raises the question of how much money is the city spending for Busta?