Special Portable Parking Signs For Mayor!
Thanks To Deerfield Beach Politics For Cartoons And Memes!
Cove Hotel Actual PictureCove Hotel Projection Picture
Who The Hell Are The Batmasians? Hardly Know them, follow the money trail.
Busted Who Is Next?
Anything Is Possible?
Mayors Henchmen Agent Provocateur And Former “Festivus Pole” Pain In The Ass Timothy “Chaz” Stevens
The Digital Image Of This Cover Of Deerfield Beach Magazine Disappeared At Mayors Behest.
Nothing wrong here that an additional $14.6 Million will not fix, oh and by the way next week I am making records request to see how many deficiencies still exist in our plant. I am certain we still have not fixed many, many things well at least that is what the sources say. Oh and those sources some of them are on the cities payroll. Some of the city employees resent the fact they see others being promoted and huge salary increases. Some of them think it is only due to the fact there are sexual affairs going on with upper management.