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City of Deerfield Beach Response On Oil Spill


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl–Incident Report
Re: Incident of Hydraulic Fluid Leak on 3/19/18
Hillsboro Beach, Florida. Approximately at FDEP Coastal range monument R-7.
March 19, 2018
Eastman Aggregate Enterprises LLC., working under contract to the Town of Hillsboro Beach is
performing a beach replenishment project in the northern area of the Town. This Project is
permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Florida DEP, and Broward County EPGMD.
Moffatt & Nichol is the coastal engineer for the Town. The scope of the Project generally consists
of delivering and placing approximately 47,287 tons of mined sand by truck haul methods within
the design fill templates.
Description of Incident:
On 3/19/18 at approximately mid-day, one of Eastman’s off-road dump trucks (# E-2) was hauling
sand from the beach staging area to the beach template fill site. As the truck reached the beach
template fill site, the truck was backing into position to dump its load. During this process, one of
the truck’s hydraulic hoses failed, causing hydraulic fluid to spray. The truck operator immediately
shut the truck off and communicated the issue to the site supervisor. The leak was quickly
evaluated and it appeared a hose had split and that 2-3 gallons of Chevron Clarity AW68 had
leaked. Attached for reference are the technical specifications for this hydraulic fluid that is
The trucks onboard spill kit was immediately used to contain the spill. Plastic barrier was spread
under the truck to contain any further leakage. Absorbent pads were used to cleanup any excess
oil. The beach was excavated in the area of the leak. Approximately 1/2 cy of beach fill that
potentially contained some hydraulic oil was removed. Eastman crews visually evaluated the area
around the truck, and no additional beach fill containing hydraulic oil was observed. Out of an
overabundance of caution, an additional 3 cy (approximately) of beach fill (clean) material was
excavated in the area to ensure removal of leaked hydraulic fluid. The excavated material along
with the spill kit used materials was removed from the site for proper disposal.
At the site of the leak, after cleanup, the Engineer and Eastman QC personnel took 2 sand samples.
These samples were transferred to GFA international (a 3rd party Environmental firm) for testing.
The results are pending.
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At approximately 2pm FWC Officer Jerry Leathers was onsite to evaluate the incident. Officer
Leathers met with the Eastman’s site supervisor. Officer Leathers evaluated the leak site (observed
from the north end of the Project) as well as the staging area site and indicated that he was satisfied
with the cleanup measures taken by Eastman. Based on the small amount of fluid that leaked and
the effective cleanup measures taken by Eastman, no further action was taken by Eastman. The
incident was noted in the daily field reports compiled by both Eastman and by Moffatt & Nichol.


32, 46, 68, 100
Clarity® Hydraulic Oils AW are designed to give
excellent protection in mobile and stationary hydraulic
vane-, piston-, and gear-type pumps and in highperformance
industrial applications as well as in
environmentally sensitive areas.
Clarity Hydraulic Oils AW deliver value through:
• Premium performance — Ashless formulation
meets or exceeds major vane, piston and gear pump
manufacturer’s requirements for viscosity, rust and
corrosion protection, hydrolytic stability, water
separability, foam inhibition, and filterability.
• Exceptional oxidation stability — Longer
service life than conventional zinc-based antiwear
hydraulic oils or vegetable hydraulic oils.
• Excellent antiwear properties — Provides
excellent wear protection.
• Low toxicity — Inherently biodegradable1 and has
very low acute aquatic toxicity to both fish and
invertebrates based on tests of water
accommodated fractions. Ashless formulation
facilitates conventional recycling programs.
• Zinc-free/Ashless — Suited for applications
involving yellow metals found in piston pumps.
Clarity Hydraulic Oils AW are
formulated with premium base oil
technology and an ashless (“zincfree”)
additive system that provides
exceptional oxidation stability, water separability, foam
suppression, and protection against wear, rust and
corrosion. They are designed to meet or exceed the
performance requirements of conventional antiwear
hydraulic oils, especially in severe, high-output
applications such as axial piston pumps. The antiwear
performance of these oils makes them especially suited
for high performance industrial applications utilizing
axial piston pumps where pressures may exceed 5000
The zinc-free formula makes it well suited for
applications involving yellow metals found in hydraulic
Clarity® Hydraulic Oils AW are long-life lubricants (are
not vegetable oil based), with dramatically longer TOST
(ASTM D943 oxidation stability test) lives than
conventional zinc-based hydraulic fluids. A longer TOST
life equates to longer service life, which can improve
the customer’s bottom line. This level of oxidation
stability is especially applicable in high efficiency (high
speed, high temperature, high output) applications
where severe stress is placed on the hydraulic fluid.
Clarity Hydraulic Oil AW 100 is a shear-stable high VI
hydraulic oil designed to improve equipment efficiency
and increase operating temperature range of this
Many hydraulic systems are required to operate in
environmentally sensitive areas where leaks or spills of
hydraulic fluid may result in contamination of the soil
or nearby waterways. Conventional antiwear hydraulic
oils are formulated with metal-containing performance
additives which can persist in the environment in the
event of leaks. Vegetable-based hydraulic oils generally
1. As determined by OECD 301D (Closed Bottle Biodegradability
Test), Chevron Clarity Hydraulic Oil
AW was shown to be inherently biodegradable.
This test is normally run for 28 days. After completing
this test period, Chevron Clarity Hydraulic
Oil AW was 38% degraded. Degradation of 20-
59% after 28 days in OECD 301D is evidence that
a product is inherently biodegradable. Chevron
Clarity Hydraulic Oil AW did not meet the criteria
for readily biodegradable, which is degradation of
> 60% after 28 days in OECD 301D.
Clarity® Hydraulic Oil AW — Continued
Always confirm that the product selected is consistent with the original equipment manufacturer’s recommendation for the
equipment operating conditions and customer’s maintenance practices.
2 February 2017
meet the environmental requirements, but can fall
short of the performance requirements.
Clarity Hydraulic Oils AW are designed for use in mobile
and stationary hydraulic vane-, piston-, and gear-type
Clarity Hydraulic Oils AW have shown excellent
performance in applications involving servo-valves
using multimetal components.
Clarity Hydraulic Oils AW meet the requirements of:
• ASTM D6158 HM (ISO 32, 46, 68), HV (ISO 100)
• Denison HF-0, HF-2 testing requirements of T5D
(ISO 32, 46, 68)
• DIN 51524-2 (ISO 32, 46, 68)
• DIN 51524-3 (ISO 100)
• Eaton-Vickers for use in M-2950-S (mobile) and
I-286-S (stationary) hydraulic systems. Passes
Eaton-Vickers 35VQ25 pump test. (ISO 32, 46, 68)
• ISO 11158 L-HV (ISO 100)
• Fives Cincinnati (formerly MAG Cincinnati, Cin
Machine, Cin Milacron) P-68 (ISO 32), P-70
(ISO 46), P-69 (ISO 68)
Clarity Hydraulic Oil AW 100 is approved for Stern tube
applications by:
• Blohm+Voss
• Wärtsilä-Japan
Clarity Hydraulic Oils AW (ISO 32, 46, 68) are
registered by NSF and are acceptable as a lubricant
where there is no possibility of food contact (H2) in and
around food processing areas. The NSF Nonfood
Compounds Registration Program is a continuation of
the USDA product approval and listing program, which
is based on meeting regulatory requirements of
appropriate use, ingredient review and labeling
Clarity Hydraulic Oils AW are not compatible with zinc/
calcium containing fluids, and OEM recommended
lubricant change-out procedures including drain and
flush requirements need to be adhered to.
Do not use in high pressure systems in the vicinity of
flames, sparks and hot surfaces. Use only in well
ventilated areas. Keep container closed.


Try Not To Spill Into Ocean…….Just saying