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Our Take-Sex In The City At City Hall That Is Wakeup Deerfield Beach



Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Like we said last week we have it all at city hall and that was Humpday. “Boca Schmoca” they have nothing on us, we got payoffs, kickbacks, lawsuits and sex, sex and more sex!!!

It is a sex party, they are living a soap opera, every day at our city hall.

Just In- source says some Hanky Panky went on on Jim Moran’s yacht too.

So who, how and when are they running the city? More sex than work appears on the taxpayers time and dime? Oh, what the hell we are a bunch of chumps who can not even be trusted to vote on the now $44 Million Dollar Bond.

Lots of questions need answering. People in extremely high positions like a city manager should have more common sense than to think employees are not going to use social media, talk out of school and contact the media. What you all want to do in your bedrooms is your business. When it happens at work, during work functions/breaks etc. you are abusing taxpayer time and money. The use of an official office to promote someone for sexual favors is unconscionable and illegal. Our city is already rife with issues of one city employee sexually harassing another who is minding the store?

Our sources are reliable, our sources have asked to remain off the record, they are credible and their documentation and information valid and truthful.

Time for our city manager to resign, time for the citizens to recall Mayor Ganz he is in charge and was elected.


<[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Fri, Mar 16, 2018 12:50 pm
To: “Heather Montemayor” <[email protected]>
Hello Heather,
Please send me all notes, memorandums, emails, electronic and telephonic communications including screenshots of text messages and records of voicemail on any cell phones used between Amanda Robins and Burgess Hanson, from January-1-2017 thru 3-16-2018.
All employment records including disciplinary from her date of hire until today. Her pay and her job position.