Home Deerfield Beach Blotter BSO Releasing 9-11 CALLS And Other Info From Marjory Stoneman Douglas High...

BSO Releasing 9-11 CALLS And Other Info From Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Massacre


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl- BSO Public Information Office has released the following information today.

The BSO Public Information Office is currently working a developing incident regarding a Parkland Shooting – 911 Calls & CAD notes/reports located at: N/A.

Public Information officer None Assigned is currently gathering the details. Here’s what we know so far:


In response to media requests, BSO is releasing a sampling of 10 calls out of the 81 received by Regional Communications 911 operators regarding the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas on Feb. 14.

One call (included in the sample) was made by someone inside the school. The rest of the calls were made by people relaying second or third-hand information.

BSO operates the Regional 911 system that is maintained by Broward County. Coral Springs is not part of the regional system and operates its own separate center.

Here’s a link to the sampling of 911 Calls:


Please note, while 911 operators are obtaining information from callers, they are simultaneously updating the dispatchers via the computer aided dispatch system in order to disseminate that data to deputies on scene.

The remaining 71 calls will be made available to media upon request. A cost for labor and redaction will be applied to the request.


The CAD notes and incident reports requested for the Calls For Service made to the following three addresses from Jan. 2010 to Feb. 2018 can be download by clicking on this link:


6166 N.W. 80 Ter. 8442 Lakeview Trail 7200 Loxahatchee Road

It is important to note that a call for service does not mean that a specific individual was involved or that a crime had been committed.

Due to the ongoing Internal Affairs investigation, no report is being provided for the contact on Nov. 30, 2017 at 6166 N.W. 80 Terr.

This information should be considered preliminary, and as with any developing situation, the details may change.


The BSO Public Information Office is currently working a developing incident regarding a More Records released regarding Parkland Shooting located at: N/A.

Public Information officer None Assigned is currently gathering the details. Here’s what we know so far:

The Broward Sheriff’s Office is releasing a timeline that investigators have confirmed after a review of audio recordings as well as some video recordings from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The chronology is based upon the information received and analyzed at the time of this report and may change. This information will better help to inform the media and public about the events that occurred on Feb. 14, 2018.

Click on this link to access the timeline: https://app.box.com/s/jwall9dpcornuwn92xzy9hgl300xzton

Click on this link to access to audio files: https://app.box.com/s/pkmuinff04w44spk852rp0hznnxei6g4

This information should be considered preliminary, and as with any developing situation, the details may change.