Home City Of Deerfield Beach Breaking- BSO To Arm Deputies At Schools With A-R15’s-Broward Sheriffs Office Release...

Breaking- BSO To Arm Deputies At Schools With A-R15’s-Broward Sheriffs Office Release List Of Calls They Responded To Involving Shooter- Some Have No Reports


Deerfield-News.com -Deerfield Beach, Fl- The following we received the below email today from BSO Public Information Officer, Gina Carter.

Meanwhile, during a late afternoon press s conference Sheriff, Israel stated BSO will step up its presence at all Broward County schools.That at Stoneman Douglas in Parkland Deputies will be at the school students return next week,s with AR-15’s. Sheriif Israel just told the students of Stoneman Douglas to stand at the B Band T Center  ‘You Will Get It Done”.

RE: Incident reports from BSO regarding Nikolas Cruz
Media Relations <Media_Relations@sheriff.org> (Add as Preferred Sender)
Date: Tue, Feb 20, 2018 3:35 pm
To: “‘news@deerfield-news.com'” <news@deerfield-news.com>, Media Relations <Media_Relations@sheriff.org>

CAD reports for 1/1/10 – 2/16/18 for the following locations:


·         6166 N.W. 80 Terrace

·         8442 Lakeview Trail

·         7200 Loxahatchee Road



Gina Carter

Public Information Officer

Broward Sheriff’s Office

2601 West Broward Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312
Office: (954) 831-8300


Twitter: @bso_Gina



Please note that Florida has a broad public records law, and that all correspondence sent to me via email may be subject to disclosure.

Want to stay up-to-date about BSO events, crime trends and safety tips? Sign up for Sheriff Israel’s e-Alerts at www.sheriff.org/e-AlertsJoin our Facebook fan page at Broward Sheriff’s Office (official) or follow us @browardsheriff on Twitter to receive important announcements and view photos related to BSO.



From: news@deerfield-news.com [mailto:news@deerfield-news.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2018 7:22 PM
To: Media Relations
Subject: Incident reports from BSO regarding Nikolas Cruz


Hello Media Relations,

Please forward all incident reports for calls that  BSO responded to regarding the shooter in Parkland , Nikolas Cruz.


Howie Levy




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 image001.jpg 3 k Download
 6166_NW_80Terr_CAD.pdf 154 k Download



Read what BSO has forwarded you decide how is it possible so many calls for service and no coordination with The FBI or Child Protective Services.  Our leaders and law enforcement have some explaining to do. I like my Sheriff and the FBI they need to coordinate with whatever other agencies there are so these things can not happen again.