Home City Of Deerfield Beach More Photos From- State Of Florida Department Of Health Just Released- Deerfield...

More Photos From- State Of Florida Department Of Health Just Released- Deerfield Beach Water Treatment Plants Defects


Deerfield -News. com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-When pictures are worth $15 Million Dollars worth of repairs Deerfield Beach Water Treatment Plant needs.

Again we and our experts are reviewing all of the voluminous material The State of Florida Department of Health’s Special Counsel released to us yesterday in regards to Deerfield Beach’s Water Treatment Plants problems and public records about them.,Deerfield Beach’s City Manager and our Mayor and Commission should be ashamed they let our water plant get to this condition. Repairs have been needed and they neglected them for years.

The fact they still want to minimize the problems is inexcusable.The pictures speak for themselves and so do The State of Florida Department Healths reports with all the deficiencies.