Home City Of Deerfield Beach Annual Deerfield Beach Ocean Way Holiday Tonight!

Annual Deerfield Beach Ocean Way Holiday Tonight!


Deerfield-News.com -Deerfield Beach,Fl-Tonight-

Join us for the Annual Deerfield Beach Ocean Way Holiday Celebration presented by the Deerfield Beach Community Redevelopment Agency, Saturday, December 2nd, at the International Fishing Pier (200 NE 21st Ave). Festivities will begin at 5:00pm and run until 9:00pm.

Come out for a family night of fun while walking the parade of lights display, taking your photo with Santa, enjoying a miniature pony petting zoo, snow flurries, kid’s activities, live reindeer, an ice skating rink and live entertainment throughout the event!

For more information visit www.DFB.CITY/OWH or call 954.480.4429.