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Facebook Group-“Deerfield Beach Politics” Encouraging City Employees To Come Forward With Information On What is Going On Behind Closed Doors At City Hall


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-

I would like to encourage all present and past City employees to come forward in order to provide us with any information or concerns that you might have concerning what is going on behind close doors within our City government.

In all the years that have lived in Deerfield Beach have never seen such a separation between the government and the people concerning what is being represented to the public and the truth.

Already, we have exposed Bill Ganz clearly lying to the residents both on his facebook page as well in public speech and we have also exposed through information provided to Bob Norman at Channel 10 news by City employees, the corruption and cronyism that exists between Bill Ganz and the upper management of city government!

I am now asking for all City employees both present and past to please step up and contact us through private messenger if you to feel that you have information that can be useful in order to undermine this existing administrations agenda.

Without your assistance we would not have been able to accomplished what has been already exposed. I urge you to continue to come forward in order to help rid this City of this corrosive attitude that has plagued this City since the election of this new administration.

Its not us against them, its you work for us, we do not work for you!

The information that you provide will be kept confidential!

Thank You!
John Grassi