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Excessive Street Signs and Cones Plague Deer Isle- Deerfield Beach Resident Seeks Help From City


Deerfield-News.com –  Deerfield Beach, FL  – A Longtime Deerfield Beach resident, Mr. Joseph Tiritilli of NW 1 ST, has contacted the city commission seeking help in the removal of excessive  street signage and traffic cones.As you enter Deer Isle from Hillsboro Boulevard, and you approach Northwest 1st Street, you will notice the cones and signage eyesores.We have been contacted by Mr Tiritilli as the city has not even responded to his emails.  Deerfield-News.com was out and about as a result.  We now have the following pictures of the cones and street signs placed at the entrance to the neighborhood.  Getting worse every year now the signs have been erected in the cul-de-sac do to the rants of a madman.  Deerfield-News.com also has obtained the public records requests of the unanswered email of Mr. Tiritilli.  Tiritilli plans on setting up a petition booth during heavy traffic times to collect signatures from residents.

Date: 10/2/17 6:53 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Eyesores : Signs and Cones
Hello again… sorry to be a pest but I understand that that is how my neighbor was able to have the eyesore signs and now filthy looking traffic cones installed.  Gee, I wonder if you had this idiot near your property, would you be writing letters also? Probably…
So, is there a game plan or am I stuck with these eyesores forever.  Should I list them as features with my realtor  if and when I sell my home.  I am certain that would peak the interest of many people looking for an eyesore near their new home.
Do I need to bring up the fact that I have been paying taxes here for 30 years?  Would you recomend that I go around the neighborhood with a petition??   Please advise… and, thank you in advance, I hope that I will not have to continue writing these letters…
Joseph Tiritilli
4116 NW 1 St
Deerfield Beach