Home Politics Talk Of The Town Mayor Ganz Goes On Tirade Over Facebook Posts...

Talk Of The Town Mayor Ganz Goes On Tirade Over Facebook Posts Brings Media Attention


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-The incident of Mayor Ganz calling out and unleashing a verbal tirade against two residents during a city commission meeting is going viral.

News Websites,Facebook pages ,Twitter feeds,blogs,other social media and just plain old gossip are running throughout Deerfield Beach and beyond.

The Mayor Bill Ganz calls out Deerfield Beach residents Mr.John Grassi and Mr. Ken Wayne,again over a Facebook post of a photo of the mayor being  filmed by a city employee, the digital multimedia specialist.Mayor also read into the record from a deposition from the State Attorney in the case of Mr. Wayne,who did run for mayor.

We have requested that as a public records request. As we have received many calls and contact about this incident all I can say is if I were both of them I would seek  legal counsel .I have no idea how the mayor thinks this was a good idea.My advice to Mr.Grassi is to talk to his attorney.Appears to us he has defamed and slandered Mr. Grassi,as well as possibly Mr. Wayne sure seemed malicious to us.



We are in receipt of your below PRR and will notify you once it is ready.






Heather Montemayor

Assistant City Clerk

City of Deerfield Beach

150 NE 2nd Avenue

Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

P: 954.480.4213

F: 954.480.4323


From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, October 5, 2017 5:56 AM
To: Heather Montemayor <[email protected]>
Subject: Testimony of Ken Wayne


Hello Heather,

Please foward deposition from State Attorney of Ken Wayne that Mayor read in closing statement  of 10-03-2017 commission meeting.








Mayor Ganz Goes On Verbal Tirade Against Deerfield Beach Resident At 10-03-2017 City Commission Meeting Must See Video-3.09.30 of Video Below.

Ganz talk about Grassi 3 Oct 2017.mp4 – Google Drive
