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Deerfield Beach Observer Reports On Public Hearings Says City Extends State Of Emergency




Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-The following is from The Observer,written by Diane Emeott.Thank you for publishing important infromation for Deerfield Beach residents.The Observer reports that commissioner Drosky questioned if October 13th is enough time for the extension on the State of Emergency the city extended. According to the Observer the “Public Hearing” on The Fire Fee took place at ” 9.30 Am before City Hall was officially open for business following Irma.”


Only 2 members of the public attended,as well as the press. I have reached out to the Observer though their website. I want to see if Diane can talk with me about who from the media was there and how were they notifed? Transparency two members of the public maybe you think because we just had a hurricane?

Mayor Ganz you have no shame,two members of the public were there at a “Public Hearing” any of them your friends or family? I know there are no logs and you could not just say there were only two members of the public.

This is just advice from our Editorial staff and is our Opinion.Might want to get these at least one of these fine Broward attorneys numbers.Actually Andy should have them is his rolodex.